Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He took off the first slice , you know the rather well-done , brown bit at the end , and laid it on one side of the serving dish and then he cut the next slice off for the first lady and so on . ’
2 Zach and George dragged the case up to the bedroom and laid it on one side .
3 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
4 In one such experiment , L. R. Donaldson and G. E. Allen took 72,000 young salmon at the ‘ fingerling ’ stage ( when they are about one year old ) from the Soos Creek Hatchery in Washington ( for locations see Figure 4.5 ) and divided them into two groups .
5 Bragg tipped the contents of the drawer on to the table , and divided them into two piles .
6 So he 'd taken an upstairs room and divided it into six spaces , figuring he could charge £1.50 an hour for each of them and really coin it in .
7 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
8 An individual who bought the FT All Share Index at 31 March 1982 and sold it on 31 August 1989 would have suffered tax ( at 40% and ignoring the annual exemption ) of 24.2% of the proceeds .
9 This was quite a long passage for us , but we were lucky with the weather and made it in one leg .
10 And it was , it was about two hundred pounds a night and got it for ten pounds a night .
11 Speed played well , Dorigo looked like he was on drugs the way he was running around — at one point Breacker ( Headless chicken ) was thinking he had got past Dorigo/Speed and running towards the corner flag — Dorigo went into overdrive and caught him within 3 strides from a standing start ! !
12 If we look at Pound in 1927 and 1928 , when he instituted from or through Paris his periodical , The Exile , and sustained it through four issues , we get the impression of a man yawing about without direction , as at no time either earlier or later in his career .
13 We identified the postcode areas of patients and categorised them into three groups — namely , urban , rural , or mixed .
14 UN relief flights to Juba — known as " Operation Lifeline Sudan " — were halted temporarily on July 21 , after Sudanese government troops had boarded a UN plane and used it for one week to transport troops and military equipment .
15 Two men appeared in front of him , and he caught her wrist and jerked her to one side , raising his sword .
16 But Joffre thought Lanrezac lacked fighting spirit and dismissed him on 3 September .
17 ‘ They acted as judge and jury and suspended me for ten weeks without a trial .
18 Elizabeth Woodville turned and drew him to one side .
19 Stephanie picked Mary up — Mary liked to be picked up — and perched her on one hip as she walked from bed to bed .
20 ‘ Valerie , ’ the editor of the Mail on Sunday said to me once , after I had filed a neat and convincing piece on an earthquake the ground had trembled beneath me in Rome , where Lou was playing with the London Symphonic and a wall had fallen on top of me and trapped me for two hours — ‘ you are the mistress of controlled reportage .
21 He took off the phoney glasses and tweed hat and threw them to one side .
22 He peeled it off and threw it to one side then sat facing the three Americans .
23 She found she could n't tear her eyes away , and when he managed to get his second boot off and threw it to one side , then lifted his head , she was still staring .
24 She developed a complete mental block against her pregnancy , and concealed it until four days before she went into labour .
25 DALGLISH 'S Liverpool had not long recorded their biggest League win this century ( 7-1 at Derby ) and followed it with five goals against Leeds .
26 It was not until Aunt Kit rang me up , three days later , and abused me for ten minutes between tearing bouts of coughing , saying that I had hurt ‘ poor Lil ’ quite unbearably , that he said I had been wrong to write it .
27 So you went and pulled her to one side .
28 He and Amy had collected large stones from the beach , looking for those with holes in them — and he had strung them on to strong cord and tied them along one side of the playpen .
29 Casually it beat the fish into stillness on the branch and swallowed it in one gulp .
30 The soldier was able to pick out his target in Copperfield Street from a distance of several hundred yards — and hit it with one shot .
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