Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [is] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And she 's about the same size round but about five foot two . .
2 Yeah , and it 's erm like our other one , she used to go hunting up there and she 's across the main road
3 I can report back from Jenny and she 's in the same position .
4 I 'm joined by Phyllis Starkey , she 's the leader of the Oxford City Council , the leader of the Labour Group , and Michael Wright is from the Liberal Democrats , and Queenie Warley is a former mayor and she 's from the Conservative benches .
5 The problem is this : if the accused 's intention is to rape and he is in the same position as in Brown with the top half of his body in the building , is his entry therein effective for the purposes of the rape form of burglary ?
6 There 's a little boy in the nursery , and the the nursery teacher says he 's he 's thick , for a , he 's four , and he 's with the younger ones , and she said he 's thick because , erm , he just ca n't be bothered , but what it is , he knows it ,
7 ‘ Our friend who got knocked down by a car , Mr Nowak , has fallen into a bad coma and he 's on the critical list . ’
8 I think he 's thirty eight , and he 's on the first team .
9 And he 's in the best of care at Old Trafford .
10 Aqib Javed does n't swing the ball like that pair — and he 's in the same team , using the same ball .
11 Er and it 's about the methodical approach to training .
12 There 's another item of news , which erm , er Ron only got on the sixteenth August and it 's about the pre-congress pensioner 's march and rally , now the congress is held in Glasgow , so I think we were n't going to that one anyway , but it just giving details of erm the arrangements for the pensioner 's march which we usually have , we usually attend if it 's in the South anywhere , but that 's just for information .
13 And it 's about the free electrical checks for electrical gear .
14 And it 's about the easiest piece of cooking you 're ever likely to do .
15 Where the monument is , you turn right and you go up that small road and it 's on the right hand side ?
16 and if the , the hill up to the chapel it 's in Down Patrick and it 's on the very top of the hill and it 's it 's deep that
17 lessons and it 's on the national curriculum games .
18 ‘ I 've set my face towards it , and it 's for the best .
19 and most of the good ones are gone and it 's like the nineteen thirty
20 as I say although , erm we 've not been the government has n't yet got an airport policy , it has got an airport policy and it 's by the white paper er and so we can then say things that are not true .
21 So it 's a process , it 's got interests , it 's related to a state and it 's in the international arena , very good , very good , a lot of erm er a lot of very good things there .
22 Right er number four er the National Entertainments Conference organized by the N U S. I have since secured some money from Executive Committee to send two representatives to this Committee , and it 's in the last week of the summer holidays .
23 Gives it to us in psalm a hundred and thirty three and it 's in the last verse .
24 I mean he kept , I mean he did n't do anything to the city you ca n't even see it from the old one 's still standing and it 's in the wrong it 's so nice .
25 I think it 's the nearest we 'll get to it , and it 's in the White Paper and it can be used in exactly the sense that I gather you would like it to be used , in the discussions we have on the results of the scrutiny , and that would be the starting point there .
26 I 've had people , I 've , I 've driven up and it 's in the pouring rain , and you 've people just , they hoard round your car as you drive up .
27 and it is off the eastern coast of Australia .
28 The physical act of training breaks down part of the muscle exercised , and it is during the next 24–72 hours that the muscles recover and begin to grow .
29 He served for three years , originally as chairman , and it is as the first chairman of the future Labour party that he achieved his principal prominence in labour history .
30 And it is with the statistical evaluation of leys that there is most controversy and where much work still needs doing .
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