Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb base] to a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do think the discussion so far and the contribution from Mr and Mr is unfairly er at this stage erm prejudicing a proper assessment of er er er a for a new settlement all the way round Greater York including the Southwest and I return to a comment I made before the break , that dualling for example of the outer bypass of the York ring road which is programmed and is , will dramatically change may well dramatically change the perception erm erm of people to the to the west of the Greater York area in respect of the area to the north east .
2 The lochans of Scotland are teeming with interesting things too , and I confess to a penchant for peering into dark , peaty puddles at every opportunity in the eternal search for frogs and newts .
3 The sky becomes stained with clouds and I come to a stretch of land by the sea — I do n't know what else to call it .
4 and you go to a junction do n't you ?
5 Des cuts the engine and we bob to a standstill .
6 Our conclusions for what they are worth are set out and we come to a figure of about forty five thousand .
7 The man opposite me yanks the communication cord , and we lurch to a halt .
8 and the whole band saw got ta to be resharpened he said and they go to a place in
9 They see a place for a Bill of Rights , a written constitution and constitutional court ; they want to increase the checks on government through a more balanced constitution consequent upon the establishment of a reformed , elected , second chamber with increased powers of delay ; and they look to a revival of the position of Parliament and parliamentary government .
10 Rights of occupation normally only continue during the subsistence of the marriage and the existence of the other spouse 's estate or interest in the home , and they amount to a charge on the other spouse 's estate or interest .
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