Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Both my husband and I accepted it as a part of our way of life .
2 Henri and I sheltered them for a while , but of course it was very risky with the Germans billeted everywhere except the smallest cottages .
3 ‘ I did n't know at the time it had been in the Quakers boardroom but it was a good , handmade , solid oak table and I got it for a reasonable price , ’ he said .
4 ‘ The gate 's open , ’ she said , ‘ and I wedged it with a brick . ’
5 And I fought it for a long time and I wanted to get kick-started back to where I was before , because I felt under a cloud .
6 I said 't would not suit you , and I meant it as a compliment .
7 My mother then gathered them up and put them in a container , and I took them to a nearby stream and let them go with goodness knows what effect on the environment .
8 When Stephanie 's mother died we found in the bungalow a watch , it must of been given I would of thought to her father probably for his twenty first and I took it to a jewellers in Elton , well that 's all he does is watches actually apart from jewellery .
9 Then she held out her hand to me , and I took it for a second .
10 Yeah I 'd considered buying it and all that , you know it do n't take five minutes you know , and I took it for a test drive
11 It was only a few square feet in size and I made it into a carpet of flowers .
12 I mean yes er as I said earlier on it 's just a question for for just a bit more obviously in the readings report th there is there is concern naturally with the by-passes in paragraph two five I mean I have n't had a chance to sort of looking up yet , and I 'd by grateful for County Executive 's advice on that and I thought we as a County Council had agreed a line erm for a by-pass through the West Sussex portion at least .
13 He is now 7″ long , and I transferred him to a 4ft tank .
14 So I said OK , and I gave him a real fancy one — it was like topiary , and I left him with a rude word on the back of his head .
15 I lived with my husband for er , three and a half years , and I knew him for a good number of years before then , so we made a joint decision after that period of time that we were , wanted to commit ourselves
16 I had been there and I knew it as a beautiful seaside resort , but that was n't why I was so delighted .
17 It was this last that gave him pause , for , he was to say , ‘ Although I had no knowledge of it — that place where the Twelve Judges sit — I believed that I had long since dreamed it , and I knew it for a place of great finality and immense power .
18 I did not think of following him , my feet seemed rooted to the sandy path and I saw him through a mist of tears as he appeared to melt through the door , which closed behind him .
19 And I saw him in a month , and he took the bandage off and me arm flopped of course .
20 I brought grim news , and I delivered it with a certain mournful pleasure .
21 Her last words had been spoken very portentously , and I rewarded them with a dubious shrug .
22 I knew I could do well academically and I did it as a challenge to the conventional idea of the black kid who 's good at sports , yet with no brains .
23 ‘ It takes , they say , seven years to make an electrician ; and I did it in a fortnight . ’
24 I do n't remember what I recited , but I do remember being acutely embarrassed on another occasion when people were telling anecdotes , and I recounted one about a soldier being saved from a court martial because he had heard a clock strike thirteen at midnight , and this fact had saved him from being found guilty of sleeping on duty .
25 Finally , one day a boy called Charlie bawled out , ‘ Nigger ! ’ at me and I chased him in a fury .
26 Since they had n't spotted me earlier , there was no embarrassment attached to my circuitous ramble and I hailed them with a tone of voice that sounded as if I knew what I was doing .
27 B : ‘ I thought she was far too cocky but then I changed my mind and I pursued her with a vengeance . ’
28 She barked back , the door slid open wide enough for me to enter and I found myself in a roomful of dames all with rigor mortis of the third-finger-of-the-left-hand .
29 I 'd been playing slide for years and I found myself in a blues band .
30 and I found myself in a bare street .
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