Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [modal v] be [verb] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The final move is to turn around , taking the model with you , as before , and you will be performing one of the most difficult of all hovering manoeuvres-the nose-in circle .
2 Well when when the doctor saw him on a fortnight ago this Friday today , a fortnight ago today the doctor phoned the ward and said have you got a bed I 've got a man here who 's be who is between myself and my curry dinner time and you could be saving two people 's lives my life cos he was so hungry
3 And you 'll end up maybe only using one or two and you should be using ten , and you must go in a silence trap , that is so , so important
4 But basically as far as you are concerned you can get that sort of dividend yield , which is brilliant because i y as a tax-payer if you can te ten percent erm the , the fund is written as a unit trust and you 'd be paying seven you 'd be paid seven and a half percent on that one , so which one would you choose ?
5 And she must be doing 140 k.p.h .
6 a matter of about , er , I think I think the mortgage now is ten point nine , and we 'll be paying eleven point something ,
7 And they may be torn three ways , between the practical direction they are getting in the school , the advice they are being given in college and by their teaching practice tutor , and their own developing sense of the kind of teacher they would or would not like to become .
8 What they were told was that erm a number of , a a short , short list would be made up , erm , with the possibility of them having a second interview , and they would be told one way or another whether or not they were getting a second interview , because we were n't in a position to say whether we were or were not appointing .
9 Over and above the on-site team are service and branch managers who will visit premises on a weekly basis to ensure that they are being cleaned in accordance with the client 's needs , and they can be contacted twenty four hours a day , whether at home or work , by radio pagers .
10 We also work very closely with the Federation of Sussex Industries , and they will be having one of their monthly meetings at the University in November , and we also hope to organise a joint open day with the F S I next June or July .
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