Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 But after a week or so I was acclimatised , and I would laugh at the discomforts of half-asphyxiated visitors .
2 And I shall sell at a hundred and sixty pounds .
3 Up and down and over and over , again and again and I 'd marvel at the bulk of prayer they made in any one day .
4 The inner side of the track was almost sheer at this point , brown broken rock glistening with water , and I could see at a glance where the rock had come from , a gaping hole oozing mud as though a giant molar had been extracted .
5 Subtract your expenses from your income and you can see at a glance how much income is left to spend .
6 So when I take this out and pout this through the window it shines straight up and you can look at the clouds and you can tell which direction the wind is .
7 As I said , this is just a very simple fine schematic description for you and you can look at the details anywhere .
8 It 's got thirty million articles in it , when you can find information , pull out articles relevant to your needs , by looking for authors , looking for words in the text and you can look at the summary of the article very quickly .
9 It 's got thirty million articles in it and you can find information , pull out articles relevant to your needs by looking for authors , looking for words in the text , and you can look at the summary of the article very quickly .
10 There are literally hundreds of these , and you should look at a catalogue of the Central Statistical Office to see what is available .
11 So you must first ensure that your approach is to the right quarter and you must realise at the outset that mutual trust is essential .
12 I 'd go off to work , and she 'd look at the script and say : ‘ Who are you working with today , what are you doing ? ’
13 Rella would point to the sixth dot and say solemnly : ‘ This is here , ’ and she 'd point at the floor , to make sure I understood .
14 She would joke about the young ‘ uns with fat bums , riding around in cars and we would marvel at the so-called disabled people dismounting briskly from buses or climbing energetically from orange-badged cars .
15 You kids can sit there and we 'll sit at the table .
16 Next week we start the second part of the course , our erm , our key as it were and we 'll look at the first one with er .
17 Have a handout and we 'll look at the different types of stress
18 what , what I hope we 'll do next week is to , is to take that idea up and to see maybe why this policy came through erm and we 'll look at the , like the arithmetic of that as to , as to how much money there was , how much land there was in fact .
19 Caroline and the family would often come with me and we 'd stay at the Butcher 's Arms overnight .
20 Well we could put them all in the thing ca n't we ? all in the canned box , it 's lovely and we could put at the top no Pepsi can
21 And we can look at the interview as a whole to understand what particular comments mean .
22 On the other hand , we do n't want to get in your way , and we should clarify at the start our respective roles .
23 Mother Francis would have loved that old cottage to be Eve 's home ; she could see in her mind 's eye a kind of life where Eve would bring her student friends home from university to stay there for weekends , and they would call at the convent and have tea in the parlour .
24 And they can look at the horn and they can look at these things and they can look this is weld which is the herb that 's used to produce the green the yellow of the green .
25 And he 'll jump at the chance to write to me .
26 At that point in his life , he would sit at the door of a club when he was playing and he would glare at the people who came in .
27 You see , he was exceptionally nice and he used to lecture at the colleges and er he was a real , very nice gentleman and er and so he , of course he , he , he took his drink across to the table with him and sometimes I took it for him it just depend and he , he wrote this book and er I forget now , perhaps you would like to read and see what he says
28 ‘ A man has been charged and he will appear at the City of London Magistrates Court on Monday . ’
29 And he will look at the plans for the oil refinery which he is destined to build on this land .
30 precisely Mr Chairman if I could answer that the , the , the once the inspector comes back to the Fire Service and reports again and he is due back in June , we will then look at the matters he raises at that time and he will look at the progress report er what , what has happened since his last inspection and then we will have the opportunity to look at what the Inspector has , has to say after his visits , not very far away er , their Chief Officer will go on with this programme
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