Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [be] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The wallpaper in the house is black from condensation and I am at the end of my tether . ’
2 I see all objects as mirrors and I am behind the mirrors in another world but the beauty eludes me and is gone and will never return .
3 and I am in the middle of it
4 Sad and profound chants are intoned in the wind and I am in the presence of a numberless and devout congregation .
5 I think I have narrowed down the possible causes to be either hogweed or nettles and I am in the process of removing these .
6 ‘ The horse is new to me and I am in the process of sweetening him up , ’ Richards said , ‘ so it is impossible to rate him with my other winners .
7 Even if I cast through this gap accurately , the speed of the cast must be faultless too , for the gap between the branches and the roots is a mere two feet : too far and I am in the roots , too near and my bait will not be lying where I want it .
8 I am very involved in the People 's Committees , and I am in the forefront of the struggle of my people .
9 Godwin illustrates on a small scale the proximity of cesspool and pump ( Fig. 34a ) which an investigator in the town of Stafford in 1866 found to be a more general rule : ‘ The water supply of the whole town is obtained from wells , many of them in close proximity to receptacles of filth ; and I am in the habit of saying , partly in joke , but principally in earnest , that the persons living at No. 6 drink the water that is made at No. 7 .
10 It will also answer your two questions — why Van Gelder and I are on the wagon and why the six survivors have been — well , locked up out of harm 's way .
11 A great deal has been written of the Pilgrims Road and its travellers and its river crossings and I 'm of the opinion that more Pilgrims to Canterbury follow this route now than followed it in Mediaeval times ( howls of protest ) .
12 And I 'm on the Pill , so you need n't worry about that . ’
13 And I 'm on the racetrack !
14 And I like erm around in shorts every day , and I 'm on the swimming pool side three times a week , so I do n't have much choice .
15 ‘ I 've been second five times in the last three years and I 'm over the moon to have got home first at last . ’
16 ‘ I 'll crash in the back of the van for a couple of hours before hitting the road , I 'm too easy a target for the cops in that thing and I 'm over the limit . ’
17 ‘ Sorry to ring you at school , but I wanted to get hold of you and I 'm in the theatre in the evenings . ’
18 ‘ Then I 'm sinking through the bed , and I 'm in the sea , and Dad 's with me , and there 's all sorts of people … teeth like sharks , everyone 's tearing everyone else 's eyes out … falling all over the place , putting all the eyes in a pot for their tea … ’
19 And I 'm in the back in my little corner and my beloved wife Sandra walked in on what was , unbeknownst to her , this maniac , writing furious and tired .
20 And I 'm in the final there .
21 ‘ One of my ladies would like to go to bingo and I 'm in the process of trying to get a member of staff free , so she can go .
22 Cos Like I , I have Mondays off and I 'm in the house on my own .
23 It 's two P M here , and I 'm in the Bourneville chocolate factory in Birmingham , concentrating on the next batch of Cadbury 's Flake .
24 ‘ You 're the breeze and I 'm like the aspen tree , ’ she said .
25 Swindon 's got a really northern feel as a town and I 'm from the north of England myself .
26 ‘ I 'm perfectly safe , and I 'm within the speed-limit , ’ Ashley added pungently , when he craned forward to inspect the speedometer .
27 We stayed in a cottage on the cliffs , overlooking the harbour , and within moments of arrival , my brother Ian and I were at the end of the pier , fishing .
28 she was for the top of the hockey team and I were for the football
29 John and I were on the dole .
30 Even from where Taff and I were on the road it was obvious that the dead soldiers were German .
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