Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] been [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Both Jenny and Kathleen were up to various things and I 'd been having a go myself , but although my name was appearing on more and more waiting lists , nothing substantial seemed to be happening .
2 It 's just all sore and I 've been taking a pain here this week .
3 I use the TC Electronics 2290 for chorus and delay and I 've been using a PCM 70 for reverb , but I just got this new reverb from Real Tube . ’
4 Then a guy in Denver called up and told me that I should go to a plumbing supply place and try a piece of pipe , because that way you can find one that fits your finger , and I 've been using the same slide ever since 1967 , I believe . ’
5 And I 've been mowing the lawn .
6 Well , he has n't actually collected any in and I 've been doing a lot of work at home for it , you know , masses .
7 I arrived on Sunday and I 've been revisiting the old places .
8 We have been running an experiment in our laboratories , which erm , employs about eighteen hundred people , and I 've been paying a sum of money , so that they can have anybody with a problem in the laboratories , can have independent counselling , er , and it seems to me , I 've been lo reviewing it , measurement again , we 've just been running it for a year , and I 've been interested to see the types of problem they 've been taking outside .
9 I 'm 30 and I 've been having an affair for the past five years .
10 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
11 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
12 and er erm and we discussed it fully and I 've been noting the points down you know but what , what in particular was of interest to you on that er er on that on those discussions ?
13 ’ Well John Major says I 'm a bit of a bastard , and I 've been spending the first part of this conference checking my birth certificate ’ .
14 ‘ I 've been running three or four miles every day for a week , and using a trampoline at home to build up my fitness , and I 've been keeping a close eye on what I eat .
15 Benjamin and I had been entertaining the group with a French madrigal , my deep bass a smooth foil to my master 's well-modulated tenor : a stupid little song about a maid who lost her wealth and her virtue in the great city .
16 Bodo and I had been watching a bodysurfing video starring Mark Cunningham , but when Ace found out I was writing some articles about the North Shore he insisted on an immediate full-scale press conference .
17 Overstrain had brought on tuberculosis in 1939 and I had been having a lot of trouble with my eyes .
18 Odilo and I have been airing the new apartment until it is heavy with her smell .
19 Erm and I have been plugging the line that what underpins Locke 's , what underpins Locke 's general political position is his theology , his basically Calvinist notion of how human individuals are related to God , they are God 's servants sent into the world about his business , that 's what they 're here for and that 's what governs all their obligations , they 're rights and so on .
20 ‘ I have been watching videos of my fights and I have been making a lot of basic mistakes .
21 Therefore , there must be value elsewhere and I have been studying the other prices .
22 At this point , your chances of success are actually considerably reduced , since a power on recovery requires a different technique to a power off landing- and you have been practising the wrong thing !
23 The reprieve had been so quick and sudden and she had been dreading the conversation so much …
24 Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation , and she had been using a variety of drugs , including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell , and also protein synthesis inhibitors , to dissect out a series of phases , which she described as short- , intermediate- and long-term memory .
25 This letter had purportedly been written by his wife to him saying that he was not the father of the child and she had been having an affair with a man called Nigel , ’ said Mr Klevan .
26 ‘ But then one night , under the covers — I was just getting older , I guess , but anyway — I was sort of reviewing the day , and I was thinking about school , and what we 'd learned , and we 'd been doing the Second World War , and I had n't liked the sound of this Hitler guy at all ; and I 'd asked dad , just to double-check , and — ’
27 Erm but the reality is that erm we would therefore need our budget to , in fact for the first half of this year , to have , well for the whole year , to have reflected the late delivery of the systems which would 've , if we 'd had that in the budget and we 'd been projecting the whole budget at say two point six , our budget figure would 've been somewhere in the region of another eighty to ninety thousand higher than it currently is for this first quarter .
28 We 've been planning it since last year and we 've been saving every penny .
29 The Dept of Health says ’ we are aware of the problem and we 've been pressing the medical profession to do something about it for some time .
30 ‘ We lease the land out to the forestry people , and they 've been doing a helicopter survey . ’
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