Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 No I do n't think so , I started my career with long hair and I like it like this .
2 Lee Marvin used to do something similar , announcing , ‘ I 'm a coward and I bet anybody in this place can beat me ’ .
3 And he said , ‘ Well , we had this Tremolux amp and I put it through this compressor . ’
4 I ca n't agree a solution with our officers that is acceptable to the residents I represent and I put it to this council to try and get something done about it and all I get from the chairman of the committee is the officer 's comments pushed back down my throat .
5 I get a bucketful of water and I heat it on this little stove and I strip and wash myself all over . ’
6 And I told them about this job I 'd done here .
7 she looks really weird without them on and I saw her like this
8 ‘ I want you something immense , ’ he says , ‘ and I love it like this , when we both feel the precise same way . ’
9 I do not want to add to the controversy that we had earlier by saying that , yet again — and I congratulate them on this — our colleagues have obtained more in the English legislation than we have — The Minister indicates dissent , but I won the last argument and I am not sure whether he wants another one at this late hour .
10 Fortunately , however , there is a special fractions ‘ slash ’ character and you use it like this .
11 you 're getting a bit panicky , and you measure it round this way instead .
12 put this program in and you swap it for this er map disk , then it comes up , you tell it where you are , where you going to and it works your route out
13 See , she leans over this door and reads your palm and you pays her a bit of silver , sixpence say , or a shilling , and she pops it in this little drawer just beside her .
14 I went to Hemel Hempstead er a school called in Hemel Hempstead that was only from the August till December when I left school and then the erm then the Headmistress , cos we had a Headmistress there cos it was a mixed school , and she recommended me for this here errand boy 's job , his name was .
15 She does n't know all the Jewish laws , and she knows nothing about this when she comes to Bethlehem .
16 And we get something like this .
17 He has also presented several photos to the Society that are new to me and we reproduce one in this Journal — others will follow in further editions .
18 And we write it like this .
19 Many of our people sickened and died , and we buried them in this strange land .
20 Personally I think it should be restricted to about four weeks and get more exhibitions in there for wider variety and also there 's a number of er travelling exhibitions around the country that come down North er from up North down to the South to show around here that you can book these any time you want er I talked to somebody organised an exhibition in London and they are quite willing to come to Harlow you book us and we have nothing like this at all .
21 Such stopping places are cheap and good , and we need them in this country .
22 And they said something about this woman a neighbour said oh where the hell 's Jimmy or something today ?
23 They bought the potatoes and they put them into this machine to mix them up with a couple of pails of water and then they drained all the taters off and left the milk that was left and used that for the baking .
24 They took me along and they put me into this dormitory .
25 I had just turned sixteen and they put me in this place that was really for dossers .
26 So they went and got some barbed wire and they strung it across this street you know , Street at .
27 He 'd been talking to these erm Greek blokes and they invited him into this bar for erm
28 He had a thick stick of some kind — quite short-in his hand , and he said something about this being a holdup , or a stick-up or some term I really did n't understand .
29 And he liked her like this , when she was rumpled with sleep and undefended by make-up .
30 As a general rule Green in his Guide recommends the skies be a quarter blue and three quarters grey , and he holds himself to this idea most strictly .
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