Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well look , I 've got it all in my sort of purse ready you see , and I went off to town today and you know what I bought ?
2 Just think , if Magnus and I went back to school in boots instead of those horrible lace-up shoes , the big boys would have to watch out .
3 They had to go away to be analysed , and I went back to court and ended up getting a £150 fine or seven days in prison — I paid the fine .
4 And he and my mother had a disagreement about this and er the result was that my father became very ill and I went home to Grandma .
5 I shall table a parliamentary question about that and I look forward to confirmation of what the right hon. and learned Gentleman has just said .
6 Good luck , and I look forward to No 200 .
7 ‘ You stay in your nightwear when you come home and you go back to bed .
8 and you think well to hell with it , they should be , come down on hard .
9 Then a fiercer gust of wind almost blew her from the path and she hung on to bag and box like grim death .
10 to get up to the thirty five mile an hour you got ta go through all the five gears so you 're forever pa going like that erm and that made it worse so that last fortnight she has n't been on the bike and that last weekend when she went out she went because we was busy , she got her bike out and she went up to work one or two of her mates and then come home she said she 'd wished she had n't of gone up
11 Home and school had worn her success like a prize rosette , and she trotted off to university with a stack of leather-bound prizes and dire warnings about hard work , early nights and regular meals .
12 Recently , we were having a debate in the Lords and we got on to nationalization and I said that one thing that we need to nationalize in this country is the Treasury , but nobody has ever succeeded .
13 And we go finally to Rosemary of Cambridge and she would like to plant two nice shrub rose bushes .
14 The desert appeared abruptly , and we stepped on to sand as one would step across a threshold , in a single stride .
15 They do n't like it too hot in summer and they react badly to over-watering .
16 The wheels caught loose stones and they rattled downwards to oblivion , and Maggie was sure that she would soon follow them .
17 A set of Easter tables drawn up by Cyril of Alexandria ( 376–444 ) was accompanied by a consecutive set of years beginning with the Emperor Diocletian and his persecution in AD 284 , but when in AD 525 a Scythian monk living in Rome , Dionysius Exiguus , prepared a continuation of Cyril 's tables , at the request of Pope John I , he felt that it was inappropriate to reckon from the reign of this enemy of Christianity , and he chose instead to date the years from Christ 's Incarnation .
18 She was living as au pair with the Drummonds — such a nice family — and he went there to dinner .
19 The Atlantic Ocean splashed against the pier , and he stared out to sea and began quoting Homer .
20 He would go far , this young man , Mr Bullins considered , and he looked forward to reading of his progress once he left Oxford .
21 And he goes off to school , and he tells all his mates .
22 Had a word with Vic about the script and he says not to worry but they always say that at this stage , do n't they ?
23 I run one of the self-help groups that one of the ladies mentioned and we looked at an outsize catalogue recently and it went up to size twenty six and in some cases up to a size thirty and the ladies who modelled the clothes were no bigger than a twelve , possibly a fourteen , but a very shapely fourteen !
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