Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two journalists investigating the allegations had their homes raided and notes confiscated by police in the weeks prior to the publication of the report .
2 It was and stili is the extraordinary pictorial value of the linear patterns and forms created by Nijinska for Les Noces which emphasises more clearly than any other ballet the need for every choreographer to keep strict control over the mass of material needed to make a single work .
3 For a more realistic scenario of a 1 metre rise , cities and resorts built on sandbanks on the eastern and Gulf coasts including Miami , Galveston and Atlantic City would be vulnerable to serious flooding during hurricanes .
4 The great political bonds , which — for all the associated chicanery — did articulate political groupings and attitudes based on considerations of foreign policy and religious belief , gave way to bonds motivated by reactions to the personal behaviour of the monarch .
5 Residents cheered when a bulldozer moved in to demolish wartime flats and maisonettes condemned by tenants as a disgrace .
6 The extraordinary array of chains and fetters , manacles and shackles exhibited by Birmingham for export to America 's slave states , for instance …
7 Among the habits and values passed from parent to child are political ones .
8 A further possibility is that the individual may , at least for a time , hold onto beliefs and values taken without question from others , for example parents , teachers , peers .
9 Often during a site visit measurements will be taken and checks made on supply of gas , electricity and position of drains .
10 A quickening trot now , and as they neared their target he could see the puffs of smoke from the little houses , stone walls and trees ahead , as French and Russians fought for possession of the village they called Telnitz .
11 The systematic features of the calls will be identified and calls made by staff with different levels of success and training will be compared .
12 Moreover , the court should not approach decisions and reasons given by committees of laymen expecting the same accuracy in the use of language which a lawyer might be expected to adopt .
13 The concept of a profession is , as we have seen , based upon claims to specialised knowledge and skills developed over time through training .
14 In recognizing that child abuse and child care are not discrete areas we should start from the premise that the understanding and skills developed in relation to child care should inform our approach to child abuse .
15 This involves in particular cultivating certain attitudes and skills associated with education in general ( see Chapter 1 , pp. 2 , 4 , 6 – 10 ) .
16 Constantinople I found depressing , soulless , with drab crowds , deserted mosques , and palaces preserved as showpieces of a dead past .
17 Their success , and if appropriate their renewal in the form of tasks and programmes informed by feedback from their predecessors , is what justifies the partnership and validates its integrity .
18 More than forty publishing houses and institutions displayed in excess of 5,000 books , video-tapes and films at the Tien Educational Centre in Taipei .
19 About the larger meaning of the Reagan-Shultz years — the approaching end of the age of anti-democratic revolution — the secretary of state is equally certain : ‘ The years of the Reagan presidency were , in the sweep of history , a turning point , building on the ideas and institutions put in place in the critical period right after world war two .
20 The investment overview contains basic information , statements , estimates and projections provided to KPMG by the Group and its shareholders and its management .
21 The investment overview contains basic information , statements , estimates and projections provided to KPMG by the Group and its shareholders and its management .
22 LXXVIII ) , patterns based on octagons ( e.g. Cunliffe 1971 , LXXVI ) , and patterns based on grids of squares ( e.g. Cunliffe 1971 , pI .
23 A statement broadcast on Al-Quds radio said that a " lightning attack " had been launched on a " Zionist bus carrying a number of Jewish reserve officers , soldiers and spies sent to Egypt in order to sow corruption and trickery " .
24 After that win , Hope 's family and supporters celebrated with champagne in the dressing room and Lawless recalled : ‘ We only had a few glasses and Mo and I were drinking out of the same one .
25 Instruments of torture feature somewhat incongruously alongside porcelain , glassware and fans owned by members of the imperial family .
26 Hit by relentless price competition and slumping business conditions , Fujitsu Ltd on Friday forecast that for fiscal 1993 to March 31 , it would report its first loss since it was first listed in Tokyo in 1949 : it sees a group net loss of $322m and a current loss of $169m for the year , against net profit of $103m and current profit of $437m last fiscal — current profit includes gains and losses made on investments in stocks and bonds and sundry profits and losses from other non-operating activities ; ‘ Customers expect lower prices , ’ said Mike Beirne , a Fujitsu spokesman — ‘ the price competition goes from the price war in personal computers right up to mainframes ; ’ the company acknowledges that losses are likely to continue into the first six months of its new year .
27 A World Bank-sponsored meeting of Bangladesh aid-donor countries and organizations held in London on Dec. 11-12 , 1989 , approved an action plan aimed at protecting the country from flooding .
28 Gp Capt Gilbert , Commanding Officer of the Base Support Wing of the local Edinburgh RAAF Station was present , and wreaths were laid by the various association and units represented in front of plaques of squadrons and units of the RAAF which served in WWII .
29 Imperial Cancer Research employs over 1,000 scientists , doctors and support staff in its laboratories and units attached to hospitals throughout the country .
30 And possible harmful effects sink into the depths of the medical literature , such as : the serious condition of over stimulation of a woman 's ovaries and other adverse effects from the powerful drugs and hormones used on women in earlier fertility treatments , as well as for IVF now ; higher risks of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy and damage to women 's fertility from the invasive methods .
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