Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [vb pp] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And , of course , talk of cost must never overlook what are known as opportunity costs : time , effort , and money spent on one thing necessarily means a lost opportunity to spend them on something else , which may be of just as much value .
2 For all the time and money spent on developing coproductions , public and private sector companies and corporations are often reluctant to import from their neighbours .
3 The report referred to " the failure , negligence , complacency and indifference noted on all levels of the services that had planned the visit [ Boudiaf 's visit to Annaba ] , organized its schedule and guaranteed the security of the President " .
4 The DBA is based on full or part-time study and the PhD and MPhil based on full-time study only .
5 The business was sold on 7 March 1990 , but there was not enough money raised to pay all the creditors and bankruptcy followed on 12 April 1990 .
6 Thus with profit maximisation as its central concern , emphasis is placed upon the notion of an ever — increasing rate of production and consumption based on disposable products with significant wastage of energy and materials .
7 The move towards student and supernumerary status for all those undertaking a nursing education — not just undergraduates — and the plans to replace training allowances with a non means tested grant , means that the position and role of the student is expected to shift dramatically from learning ‘ by trial and error ’ to learning from practical experience and knowledge based on authoritative research .
8 But they are also big meat eaters and you will find suckling pig and rabbit offered on most menus .
9 That is a scale of acidity and alkalinity based on 14 times the logarithm of the ratio of disassociated hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution measured in grams per litre .
10 The attention of members is drawn to the decision of the Divisional Court of Appeal in the case of Rowe & Maw v Commissioners of Customs and Excise decided on 6th March , and reported in The Times of 8th March .
11 It involves a change of approach , with emphasis and priority placed on encouraging patients and clients to do as much for themselves as possible … .
12 ‘ By reason of the words published on 17 September 1989 and the words and graph published on 24 September 1989 the plaintiff council has been injured in its credit and reputation and has been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and has suffered loss and damage .
13 More recently , Habermas has distinguished a domain of critical thinking separate from the two domains of purposive means-end thought and thought founded on human interaction .
14 Furthermore , a history of failure in an important aspect of one 's life will also be likely to affect the meaning and interpretation put on further failures , and increases the likelihood that in the context of the person 's life , the event will pose a marked and long-term threat of loss — in the first example above , of the possibility of becoming a parent .
15 The certificate and diploma courses have been designed to provide flexible , progressive , industrially orientated programmes of professional education , development and training based on extensive research into the current and predicted future needs of managers in the hospitality industry .
16 Following the trend to ensure compatibility of hardware and software developed on dissimilar systems , Sparc International is also reportedly working on another range of testing tools for the Sparc architecture .
17 The prints and drawings on display by Durer , Cranach , and others reveal the cruelty and revenge inflicted on both sides during the uprising , and in Muntzer 's execution in 1525 .
18 Despite all the ravages and destruction wrought on Chinese stations , some still bear a curiously 1930s air .
19 Anyone with a large plot to maintain , who wants to reduce effort and time spent on regular jobs , such as hedge trimming , will find power tools invaluable .
20 Firms are bigger and spread across many locations , information on profitability and time spent on different transactions or matters is demanded , time management is the order of the day and speed of information retrieval is of the essence .
21 They also encourage children to question , providing a real reason to turn to books and tapes and material stored on floppy disk .
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