Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nine Heads represent finality , fulfilment and unity with the forces of nature ; the number applied to the fully initiated ; the Seer .
2 I 've been joined today by Professor Mike Springford , Professor of Experimental Physics at the University , and Chairman of the Services for Industry Coordinating Group , and John Golds , the University 's Industrial Liaison Officer .
3 Bridgeman was a Shropshire JP and deputy lieutenant , a privy councillor ( 1920 ) , an elder brother of Trinity House ( 1928 ) , honorary LLD of Cambridge University ( 1930 ) , and chairman of the governors of Shrewsbury School .
4 He is pro-chancellor of the University of Surrey and chairman of the trustees of the Science Museum in South Kensington .
5 Other new targets are indicated by anomalous levels of molybdenum , lead , arsenic and uranium near the margins of the Monadhliath and Ardclach granites .
6 Many spoke with respect and admiration for the soldiers of the 6th Army , but took the view that the losses suffered had been in vain .
7 But these considerations , which are no fault of the present author 's , should not be allowed to diminish pleasure in and admiration for the parts of her book under review that have to do with the history of ideas .
8 One way of coping with the dilemma of too much or too little bottom-up acoustic information is to use broad , and hopefully robust representation primitives initially to access a number of word hypotheses bottom-up and subsequently use a word verifier for more accurate matching and rating of the hypotheses against the input .
9 Preoccupied with thoughts of her school and its organisation — she must get brochures printed and order equipment-there would be much redecoration and rearrangement of the rooms at Moorlake she would have a million and one things to do before she got this project airborne — Sara looked at him blankly .
10 Since she is illiterate , reading of the Bible is ruled out , but , in whatever activity she finds herself , she can pursue prayer and meditation in meekness , and faith in the teachings of the Church , and the same " continuel desire to God " that he advocated in Mixed Life ( 41.472 ) here stressed as an inner dynamic , where she is never idle " bot alwey liftand up hert by desire to God and to blisse of heuen " ( 22.296a. – 96 ) .
11 Professor David Skilton , Head of English at the New University of Wales College of Cardiff , took over responsibility for our chapter on the teaching of English language and literature in the schools of Wales , and proved usefully at home with structuralist and post-structuralist approaches to literature .
12 It was made the victim of frustration … but is to be freed from the shackles of mortality and enter upon the liberty and splendour of the children of God . ’
13 For the inaugural Raid Gauloises in New Zealand in November 1989 , Fusil chose running , rafting , canoeing , climbing and horse-riding as the modes of transport for a 250-mile race for teams of five ( including at least one woman ) .
14 In October 1986 three journalists launched a daily newspaper in Britain , the Independent , whose very title was meant to signal scorn for allegiance to any political party and freedom from the machinations of a meddling proprietor .
15 In addition to their knowledge and expertise in the activities for which they are currently employed , many have additional relevant experience ( botanical , geological , horticultural ) gained from previous employ or personal endeavour .
16 For in 1536 the insurgents involved in the Lincolnshire rising , who were gathering at Horncastle , enlisted the help and support of the monks of Kirkstead .
17 The fortunes of this richest group in the parish of Myddle varied according to the individual qualities , decisions and luck of the heads of each family .
18 The balance and distribution of power and responsibility between the branches of government is subject to constant dispute and evolution .
19 The balance and distribution of power and responsibility between the branches of government is subject to constant dispute and evolution .
20 It constitutes an economic order which encourages trust and responsibility for the interests of others — a form of solidarity .
21 In order to sustain this market , the law encourages trust and responsibility for the interests of others .
22 There were plenty of cases of unruly or difficult or dissident bishops ; but by and large the Church stood by the kings ; and in return the kings placed more and more authority and responsibility in the hands of bishops and abbots .
23 Almost the first experiments I had made with the passive avoidance model after completing the work with Marie , and even before we had located IMHV and LPO as the sites of change , looked at the effects of training on protein synthesis in general , using the precursor techniques that have already been described in earlier chapters .
24 ‘ We 'd have had so much shit over several hundred assorted carcases with immigration and quarantine on the borders in Europe , ’ Jourgensen 's partner Paul Barker explains .
25 This project researches into the degree of cooperation between Israel and her neighbours in the management and protection of the resources of the East Mediterranean Sea ; especially cooperation in the fields of marine pollution control ( covered by the Barcelona Convention on the Prevention of Pollution in the Mediterranean of 1983 ) marine survey work , maritime traffic control , safety of life at sea and fisheries .
26 Chapter 4 : The seismic catastrophe in Armenia : natural disaster and us is an incredible account covering forecasting , prevention and protection of the realities at Spitak and Leninakan .
27 Services should be able to provide temporary or permanent ‘ asylum ’ in the sense of a haven or retreat when someone requires shelter and protection from the pressures of the external world .
28 The tenants gain great skill and experience over the years in serving the public and in running their public houses .
29 ‘ The Law Society has enormous knowledge and experience of the workings of the legal aid scheme .
30 The Conference 's working assumption was that all incursions from Lagos were to be resisted ; the reason invariably given was that only the Residents had enough knowledge and experience of the mysteries of Indirect Rule to be entrusted with its execution .
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