Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday Sudbury chairman Iain Hook said the club 's case was based on the fact the division four clubs had a greater need for support as a result of their geographical locations and inability to attract the same amount of outside backing as top clubs .
2 But still it is very carefully structured with a setting verse , a narrative verse and finishing off with a reflective verse and 10 syllables in each line and Futility has the same feeling of careful planning and construction .
3 If the mother notices that he does not like certain songs she at once introduces others with different phrases and melody embodying the same teaching .
4 The resistance of Ulster was also linked to its business roots with such slogans as " Industrial Ulster is united " or " They mean business " , and Law made the same point when he described in Norwich a recent meeting that he had addressed in the Ulster Hall :
5 Intention and recklessness bear the same meaning throughout the draft Code .
6 The programme , ‘ Betty and Bob ’ , was sponsored by a flour manufacturer , and Sample used the same idea to promote Oxydol washing powder for Proctor and Gamble , under seige from Unilever 's Rinso in the US market .
7 Ebony and Ivory follows the same format as Look — No Hands , it is full of punchcard designs which can be used for other projects .
8 The failure of democratic radicalism to develop a doctrine of class conflict was a reflection of this situation : master and man wanted the same relief from conscription and food taxes .
9 Studies of the human oesophagus and duodenum showed the same influence of intestinal tone upon the pressure elastic modulus during distension .
10 Derby start 2-1 down to Cambridge and Villa defend the same score at Wolves , where Taylor may have to trust in another piece of sports sagacity .
11 In family 1 , the mother , father , and child all had an identical strain ; in family 2 , father and son had a similar related strain ; father and mother had the same strain in family 3 ; and all strains were unique in family 4 .
12 Again , surely both child and mother have the same approach on it , erm , where does the conflict come in over weaning ?
13 Some tests are inconclusive in that host rock and dyke give the same polarity and statistically indistinguishable direction of magnetization .
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