Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [verb] up [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Roux and Co cook up a treat at Food Show .
2 I am looking forward to the next stage of Tencel and we are already working with Fibers and Research to set up the teams for a new project .
3 The problem was that we were firefighting not just for ourselves but for so many of our clients , and firefighting takes up a lot of time and emotionally is a strain .
4 Plugged into your stereo , the lighting effect , which is multi-coloured and does pulsate , is fun in a dark room , especially when there 's a lot of bass , and might liven up a party .
5 Victorian values might include slavery , children down the mines and chimney sweeps up the stack , as well as gin parlours and asylums .
6 Depending on the status of the borrower , fees may be charged by the lender for arranging the loan , managing the loan throughout the period of the loan , early payment and failure to take up the loan .
7 But it 's only just over two and a half years since the village Post Office and shop put up the shutters for the last time .
8 Theta ( 3.6 ) and Eta make up a pair .
9 The killer then started fires near the bodies of the mother , daughter and grandson to cover up the crime .
10 The man of wealth and pride Takes up the space that many poor supplied ;
11 Left : Storing water at room temperature and aerating takes up a lot of space but may be worthwhile — the bucket on the right may have had salt added , but the SG tester also incorporates a thermometer .
12 Put them in now , before autumn gales and winter blasts make the plants rock at their roots , and frost loosens up the soil to compound the damage .
13 Tarogan 's is the Swindon hope and speedmaster brings up the Lambourn lot .
14 THE GOVERNMENT and army drew up a secret 50-60 point peace plan in a bid to get the IRA to extend its Christmas ceasefire .
15 TV 's Bodger and Badger cook up a Sunday lunchtime treat , with barmy Jane Bassett , juggling genius Tim Bat and Prince of Pottiness Pierre Hollins , and masses of mashed potato .
16 Lisa settled down with the bulldog clip that held the current day 's orders , and Folly picked up the accounts book .
17 Traditional luxury and style sums up the American .
18 Summer died under the weight of falling leaves , and autumn filled up the ruts in the road with rainwater , like blood filling fresh claw-marks .
19 The local press and radio picked up the story and carried it week after week — for a couple of years the gay struggle was big news for the folks back home .
20 The sight of all which struck them with consternation or a kind of horror that they incontinently gave over search and with the utmost hurry and dread , throwing earth and turf to fill up the pit they made , they departed , having neither of them the courage to enter or even inspect into the further circumstances of the place ’ .
21 A mix of peppercorns , mustard and ginger spiced up a fillet of beef — it 's wonderful served hot , or cold mixed in a Christmas salad of broccoli and cherry tomatoes .
22 The children 's club keeps the youngsters happy most mornings with sports , videos and competitions , leaving Mum and Dad to soak up the sun around the pool or make use of the sports facilities ranging from the relaxing to the exacting .
23 Heather even said it was the most interesting service she 'd been too , and I think Mum and Dad lapped up the excitement and atmosphere of celebration in the packed church — a far cry from Dalseattie !
24 My parents returned to Devon and Dad started up a hairdressing and tobacconist 's business in Exmouth .
25 When they both snuff it — Streep is pushed down the stairs and Hawn shot — the movie 's special effects come into their own as failed plastic surgeon Willis sets to with the spray paint and filler to patch up the damage .
26 ‘ Thallium , ’ you said , ‘ job for you ! ’ and thallium picked up the papers , simpered , and went out into the world to do your bidding .
27 A music lecturer at the College of Arts and Technology cleared up the mystery .
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