Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In the gun room , where coats hung and hats of all kinds and all ages lay about on tables , Nicandra squeezed her Henry Heath , its brim bound with corded ribbon , over her bun of hair , while Lally , peering into a mildewed looking-glass , felt her way towards a becoming line .
2 When attention moves from behaviour at the individual to the organisational level , it is argued that since organisations are not unitary actors , but are made up of individuals and groups with competing interests and objectives , companies can not be understood as pursuing a single goal , but rather a range of conflicting goals .
3 We engage in dialogue and common discussion with peoples and groups of other religions and cultures in order to realise the vision of a whole and just communication order in Asia .
4 Canford Manor in Dorset , built by Sir Charles Barry in 1848–52 , is not unlike St Genevieve , ‘ a gathering as it seemed of galleries , halls , and chapels , mullioned windows , portals of clustered columns , and groups of airy pinnacles and fretwork spires ’ .
5 More and more trainees will present themselves at centres with widely varying degrees of knowledge , skills and attitudes in different areas and will ask for these to be recognised in some way or other .
6 There may be a similar need for some bridging unit to link Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 , and discussions between secondary schools and the primary schools within a particular catchment area may prove useful .
7 This data will be used as a background to interviews and discussions with key individuals and groups involved in the decision making process .
8 Earrings , bangles and necklaces in sparkling shapes and shades .
9 It privileges the music which Adorno chooses as best representing the contradictory whole — thus alongside Beethoven and the tradition following him other kinds of music ( Berlioz , Rossini , Verdi , Elgar , Stravinsky , Eisler , let alone Lehár , Louis Armstrong , Walter Donaldson or Elvis Presley ) are inevitably presented as partial , that is to say more socially specific , less autonomous ; it also reduces the possibility of struggle over the specific uses and meanings of musical materials and forms : competing ‘ viewpoints ’ are dismissed as ‘ regressive ’ or ‘ false ’ .
10 For example , coins provide the fullest and most systematic source for the names and titles of Roman emperors and may sometimes provide the basic framework for the chronology of their reigns .
11 By administrative law Dicey meant a special body of rules , institutions and procedures which , as with the French system of droit administratif , is established to determine the rights , powers , liabilities , and immunities of public officials and of private individuals in their dealings with public bodies .
12 Local Plans prepared by the District Councils require to be consistent with the Structure Plan and provide the means of implementing the Structure Plan through policies and proposals for specific sites and areas .
13 Local Plans , prepared by the District Councils require to be consistent with the Structure Plan and provide the means of implementing the Structure Plan through policies and proposals for specific sites and areas .
14 outturn and plans for internal resources and external finance , including government grants ; revenue forecasts and forecasts and factors determining revenue and costs ; and comparisons of planned expenditure with outturn ;
15 Even before then the circulation of the magazine had been steadily falling and attempts by able editors and publishers failed to stem this sales decline .
16 On Aug. 15 the governments of the Russian Federation and Lithuania signed an agreement on bilateral trade and economic co-operation for 1991 , and on the following day Byelorussia and Azerbaijan signed a trade and economic agreement for 1991 based on mutually advantageous exchanges of Azerbaijani oil and fruit and vegetables for Byelorussian technologies and manufactures .
17 The scholars of the Renaissance courts studied in depth the philosophy and dictates of classical authors and applied their knowledge to the education of courtiers , so that they would act and behave correctly in the new society .
18 Business units concentrate on the operations and operators within individual markets and the shorter-term consequences of this analysis .
19 If , for example , a firm with its headquarters in London is running manufacturing plants in the UK , Third World countries and elsewhere , if it is using parts and even designs originating abroad , if its shares are owned by people and institutions of all nationalities and are bought and sold on the New York Stock Exchange as much as in London , why should its output and its profits be counted as part of the United Kingdom economy ?
20 This is what enables us in historical study to bridge the gulf between the present and the past , to enter into the experience and awareness which are opened up for us in the thoughts , beliefs , practices and social customs and institutions of other times and other cultures .
21 NARA-WACC renewed its commitment to lobby for justice in communication policies and activities worldwide , and agreed to share resources and strategies with like-minded organisations and individuals .
22 — the impact of such developments on the internal organisational arrangements and strategies of local authorities and housing associations , and on the scope for public/private interaction ;
23 The NME offices were in a scabrous Carnaby Street hovel full of pre-war typewriters , hacks coughing huge clouds of non-Silk Cut type smoke and loads of drunken men and women swigging cheap wine from plastic cups .
24 With the requirements needs and preferences of individual departments and individual users .
25 Multinational corporations build up their global networks through direct foreign investment , that is , by building factories and warehouses in foreign countries and taking over or establishing companies in them .
26 Welfare expectations and policies in such areas as health , education and housing drove the government towards concern with public expenditure and away from physical resource planning ; increasingly so as physical shortages gradually disappeared .
27 Elton revealed last week that he has contributed £500,000 in personal donations and royalties from all singles since ‘ Sacrifice ’ to AIDS charities in the UK .
28 Members of the Guild are also demanding that government advice on healthy eating should be clarified because many hospitals and schools ( which have food policies and guidelines with perfect aims and objectives ) still serve meals to patients or pupils that are unacceptable .
29 Chaired by the head of English , and consisting of the librarian and heads of all departments or their representatives , its terms of reference were to make recommendations to the head on the best ways to spend the money , to formulate a project proposal , and to oversee all subsequent matters of library policy .
30 They [ the Stationers ] have so pestered their printing-houses and shops with fruitless volumes that the ancient and renowned authors are almost buried among them as forgotten … so they who desire knowledge are still kept ignorant ; their ignorance increaseth their affection to vain toys ; their affection makes the stationer to increase his provision of such stuff , and at last you shall see nothing to be sold amongst us but …
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