Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The compassion and sympathy which the victims of these offences naturally cause in all policemen can sometimes be complicated by the anger and emotional hatred felt toward the perpetrator , and the tough type of policeman may find it difficult to distance the one reaction from the other .
2 Another huge and hideous arm sprouted from the ruined shoulder .
3 At 11 a.m. a heavy rain of ash was falling , and by 11.20 the air was so thick with ash and pumice dust that the sun was blotted out , and total darkness fell on the city , remaining until 1 p.m .
4 No less important , a quick and strong reaction came from the United States , which was anxious not to let Mr Serrano 's autogolpe become a fashion in other shaky democracies in Latin America .
5 Six years later , the Duke of Suffolk was murdered whilst in custody for embezzlement and public feeling turned against the House of Lancaster , The common soldiers were left without pay , so a revolt occurred in 1450 that threatened royal London and Westminster .
6 The defence thus utilized one side of the ambivalence — the love and high esteem felt for the father — to build a bulwark against the other — the hate and contempt of the father — in order to inhibit the aggressive egoism of males and make them all equally subject to a primal father-figure who for the first time now became fully internalized as a shared superego .
7 ripe and raw classic reissued in the wake of its use in the current Levi 's jeans TV commercial
8 Keep him on biscuits and brown bread rusked in the oven .
9 As I stepped back , bemoaning my lack of foreign languages , a loud and colourful thwack reverberated from the pavement alongside me .
10 Much modified over the war years , in 1944 a much refined and altered version emerged as the Yak–18 which continued the successful line for many more years .
11 He said that he was still awake when a black and fearful figure appeared at the foot of his bed .
12 Boraston was thus directly involved in administration , and Central Office looked after the organization of recruiting meetings ; the Liberal offices dealt with literature for recruitment and Malcolm Fraser was transferred to Abingdon Street to help with the management of the press .
13 Thus Wing Commander Hodsoll , Secretary of the ARP Committee , gloomily warned his colleagues in November 1936 that ‘ certain areas have been scheduled as likely to be subject to almost continuous bombing in the event of war ’ , and similar pessimism ran through the 1938 Anderson report on evacuation .
14 A black and vicious claw burst through the woodwork of the door with an explosive crash that echoed up and down the staircase like thunder .
15 On the other hand interglacial periods were very much warmer than conditions in temperate latitudes today , and these climatic fluctuations resulted in periods when hippopotamus and tropical rhinoceros thrived in the areas occupied by Europe 's capital cities today .
16 The Soviet Union faced another ethnic conflict when rioting and intercommunal violence flared in the Central Asian republic of Kirghizia .
17 And all the time the big grey waves lifted the Forfarshire up and down , and white water blew over the deck .
18 It broke against the rock in front of the boathouse , and white water crashed against the boathouse doors .
19 Suddenly , Bel 's black and white cat ran into the room .
20 The struggle of working class women against scarce resources and ill health continued throughout the period , while progress in terms of the reform of property laws relating to married women , of the divorce laws , and the change in attitudes towards the expression of female sexuality within marriage primarily benefited middle class women .
21 This optimistic picture of forward growth of earnings and constant expansion lay behind the overexpansion of ICI 's Agricultural division ammonia capacity in the late 1960S , and the heavy overexpansion of our Vinyl Chloride Monomer capacity in the 1970S .
22 Plumes of shining pink and amber grass flourished on the thatch of their roofs .
23 This system of national , local and parliamentary organisation wielded by the West Indians both provoked and was a response to a structure with many similarities developed by the abolitionists .
24 Their socialist , pacifist , and anti-imperialist work continued during the war of 1914–18 in the anti-Pankhurst ‘ suffragettes of the WSPU ’ and from Emily 's death through the 1920s in the work of the Emily Wilding Davison fellowship .
25 Dexter watched as his boss stared out into the night , no more than a black profile : her full lips , rounded nose and firm chin silhouetted against the wall behind .
26 When he did so a bitter cry was heard , and black blood flowed from the reed-stumps ; this was the death-cry of the witch who guarded the reeds , and the blood was hers .
27 William had been his yard foreman , caring for the horses as well as being in charge of the carmen , and yet all the years of friendship and good service had in the end counted for nothing .
28 Although annuities and major office remained in the gift of the crown , with the issue of letters patent under the duchy seal warranted by royal signet or sign manual , these grants were the result of lobbying by interested parties and the chief steward was well placed to have his wishes heard .
29 Although annuities and major office remained in the gift of the crown , with the issue of letters patent under the duchy seal warranted by royal signet or sign manual , these grants were the result of lobbying by interested parties and the chief steward was well placed to have his wishes heard .
30 A partition and hinged door closed off the head of the stairs at each end .
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