Example sentences of "and [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , their vast size , around 2,000 patients in many instances , together with their past custodial traditions , tended to produce a form of organization that was rigid and hierarchical and threatening to the patient .
2 These expressions , Ustachi or Chetnik , cover anything from guerrilla forces raised by the Germans from Slovenes and Croats and Serbs to fight Tito , and armed and maintained by the Germans — to people who , either because they are Roman Catholics or Conservative in politics , or for whatever cause are out of sympathy with revolutionary Communism , and therefore labelled as Fascists or Nazis .
3 Then we come to the problem of sequencing which , one again , can be visual and auditory and connected with the hearing .
4 these proposals we regard as doing no more than initiating a programme of family welfare which will have to be kept under continuous review and modified and expanded in the light of experience and deeper knowledge .
5 He became very gloomy and depressed and according to the girl it was only then that he interfered physically with her .
6 The main house is long and low and dates from the 16th and 17th centuries .
7 Roads , railways , lakes , rivers , major settlements , chemical storage facilities and political boundaries can be displayed and used as overlays for the various modules that examine the impacts of chemical spills into the atmosphere and river systems .
8 Above all he had conceived a mission to " clean up Cardiff " by " fighting The System " by which the " slimily cunning oddments of humanity " , the boarding house keepers , the cafe owners , the Red Lamp proprietors , even the laundrymen , battened on the sailors and their families The Achilles Heel of " The System " was , he concluded , the Chinese element in the port , especially when Chinese seamen were brought in from outside and used as blacklegs by the employers .
9 After sorting out our bases we cut a couple of small gaps in the reeds to our left and right and put in the rests for the cat rods .
10 For this , you don a neoprene suit , boots , flippers and life-jacket and take to the water in a specially adapted inflated lorry inner tube .
11 These tenants included a higher proportion in the age-groups 74–79 , 80–84 and 85 and over than occurred in the general population .
12 Do n't go about much ; no late returning in crowded streets from Earl 's Court or elsewhere ; no dissipating jabber and smoking and drinking with the Andrews [ where Helen was employed ] .
13 When he shows a film or summat his room 's like a little cinema — you know , people sitting round watching the telly in the dark , and smoking and laughing at the funny bits and that .
14 Mrs McNee said she had watched her children become disillusioned and despondent and feared for the long-term effects on their emotional as well as physical health .
15 I was somewhat less impressed by Demidenko in the smaller-scale pieces : his Rejoice beloved Christians sounds slow and bland when compared to the super-human wizardry of Frederic Chiu on his stunning début recital of transcriptions for Harmonia Mundi , ( — a ‘ must ’ for all Busonians ) whilst the slower chorales on the Hyperion disc are given the visionary touch on MK by Tatiana Nikolayeva .
16 I do n't know whether it contributed much — one never knows oneself whether it contributes or nOt — but I never took my eyes off Peter during this scene , willed him to do this , that and the other , and was saddened and grieved and distressed by the fact that everybody turned against him at the end .
17 Sitting in the pictures — getting dark and warm and watching with the music all the time playing from nowhere .
18 These three cases have to call into question the rights of parents , ignorant of the lives of the mentally handicapped in our society , and fearful and shocked by the discovery that they have a mentally handicapped child , to make decisions about the future of their handicapped children .
19 And then the monster looked very hurt and sad and stared at the floor .
20 One of the most influential union documents was the TUC report produced after consultation with constituent unions and accepted and published by the Trades Union Congress in September 1979 .
21 They could either follow their husbands into battle , taking their children with them , or they could stay at home , unprotected and unsupported and wait for the pillaging Parliamentarians or the papist Royalists to capture them and confiscate their property .
22 They were waiting to pounce , I know it ; that 's how they live ; they hang about in the dark , watching ( such a creature will see in the dark , never fear ) and listening and feeling for the minuscule rise in temperature and small vibrations which signal a passing vascular system , then they hop on board and they … suck .
23 Eva was excited and perplexed and intimidated by the crowd .
24 ‘ But the men were many and clever and shot at the eagles with arrows , and trapped them in nets and put them to death , one after another .
25 For many years , however , he was unpredictable and sometimes violent , and his conversation became rambling and incoherent when touching on the subject of his delusions .
26 It was held by the Court of Appeal that the pilot 's drunkenness was so extreme and obvious that participating in the flight was like engaging in an intrinsically and obviously dangerous occupation .
27 She looked young and pretty and relaxed for the first part of the evening until a ghastly sense of anti-climax set in when she realized that many of the young English guests had arrived well watered and rowdy after their coach trip , soon to become hideously drunk on the Ashley 's generous provision of champagne and wine , with a few dainty canapés and other elegant nibbles .
28 On discovery the following morning , the wives were extremely angry and frustrated and broke into the clubhouse , selected a club each and in groups of twos , threes and fours began to search for the Maharajah .
29 Management development , team building , and organisational development plans could be developed by practices in the light of local service priorities , and approved and funded by the family health services authorities .
30 Once the invoice has been checked and approved and returned to the accounts department the original invoice will be processed through the financial accounts and the copy invoice through the cost accounts .
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