Example sentences of "and [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And Grainne , who had her own might-have-beens , understood , and tried to make her stories of the Bright Palace interesting and amusing , and tried to minimise the rigours and the heartaches of exile on Innisfree .
2 It is a fact that whatever actions are being taken at any one time , the individuals concerned are rarely , if ever , aware of the effect they may be having on events and the conditions of life in the remote future .
3 But this merely confirms yet again that the idea of numerical diversity of ontological existents is inseparable from the idea of an objective order , and consequently that a clarification of the former idea depends upon a clarification of the sources and the conditions of intelligibility of such an order .
4 Some successful applications have been in studies of the spreading behaviour of oxides such as MoO 3 on Al 2 O 3 ) , the formation of monolayers by solid-solid wetting ( such as the spreading of MoO 3 , WO 3 , and V 2 O 5 on an Al 2 O 3 support ) , and the conditions for formation of surface polymolybdate , which is considered to be a precursor state for the active catalyst .
5 Key areas of the Act are the underlying principles of partnership , the provisions relating to children ‘ in need ’ , the consideration of racial and cultural background , and the duties in relation to homeless young people .
6 The department monitors the inmate population , offences against prison rules and the penalties awarded ; it assists management in determining security grades and in assessments on life sentence prisoners ; and it has been looking at the structures of meetings , the effectiveness of communications and the problems of stress in staff .
7 This , combined with the effects of the recession on training demands and budgets , and the problems of placement of trainees with employers and into jobs , leaves us with an almost unsolvable problem without further funds . ’
8 Encopresis and the problems of constipation with overflow soiling often cause great concern to parents and the management of these difficulties are also described .
9 The aim of this study is to discover the relationship between the availability of transport , and the problems of deprivation in inner cities and in other urban areas with economic and social problems .
10 There was a problem during the er evidence to the various committees that were looking at the coal crisis and the problems in relation to coal , in that very often people were translating it into tonnage and the number of pits etcetera , whereas the argument needed to be that the rules of the game had been rigged in the first place at the privatization of electricity and the rules of the game need to be changed if we 're gon na succeed .
11 More down to earth are essays on predicting the economy by Frank Hahn and the frontiers of medicine by Ian Kennedy .
12 For many thousands of children experiencing actual separation and the consequences of divorce of their parents , it is likely to be a continuous process of change and adjustment and of considerable anxiety as their parents try to resolve the different stages identified above .
13 For an advance disclosure in a customer agreement to suffice it would probably , particularly in the case of an inexperienced customer , have to explain the circumstances in which the firm might receive and withhold information , for example , because it is behind a Chinese wall , the fact that the information will be price-sensitive and the consequences of non-disclosure for A. It would be difficult to draft a general clause predicting in advance all the possible eventualities , and whatever type of clause is used , further disclosure might be necessary as particular conflicts come to light .
14 A third group are the colonialists and the neo-colonialists with experience of colonial societies .
15 No case bearing a strong analogy to the present was cited ; but the importance of enforcing promises which have been made to induce parties to marry has been often recognised , and the cases of Montefiori v. Montefiori ( ( 1762 ) 1 W.Bl. 363 ) and Bold v. Hutchinson ( ( 1855 ) 20 Beavan 250 ) are examples .
16 The principal documents relevant to the equity transaction are the subscription and shareholders ' agreement and the Articles of Association of Newco .
17 The temple ruins in the foreground , peak sanctuary in the middle distance , and the mountains of Lasithi on the skyline
18 The palace kitchen is huge — if I described it , with its great pots on the fire and the mountains of food on the tables , perhaps you would not believe me .
19 Brig Low firmly rejected these claims : I mentioned the Moscow Agreement and the plans for occupation of Austria by the Allies .
20 As he had been invited to dine with Members afterwards , his secretary had booked him into The Howard Hotel , a few hundred yards from Parliament Square on the Victoria Embankment , overlooking the Tower of London to the east and the Houses of Parliament to the west .
21 This chapter will focus on the English law of rape , its relationship with other sexual offences and the options for reform within the present framework of the law .
22 The ‘ aristocratic ’ character of landowning has been a central basis for social status and political power in Britain for centuries , and the divisions of interest between land and industry have been fundamental to the political development of the upper class .
23 Changing from acrylics to oils and substituting a palette knife for a pencil , Rothenberg maintains her curiosity in the crooked line , the partial form and the affects of colour on a flat place .
24 A very early book touching on the subject , the third edition of Air Power and War Rights ( Spaight , 1947 , pp. 274–6 ) drew attention to the specific characteristics of the atomic bomb which made its use questionable — namely the scale of devastation , and the after-effects of exposure to atomic radiation .
25 Such procedures are right for generating the phenomenon in Wagner 's associative form — a series of widely spaced exposure trials will promote the formation of a context-stimulus association ; and the after-effects of presentation of the target stimulus could not be expected to survive a 24-h retention interval .
26 We are seduced , and may spend years travelling the highways of English structure and the byways of English in use .
27 The rival , splinter organization which emerged as a result , the Imperial Maritime League ( IML ) , claimed that any serious Navalist had to support the Conservatives , irrespective of the fact that individual Liberal candidates were ‘ sound ’ on naval questions , on the grounds that collectively the Liberals were against and the Conservatives in favour of a big Navy .
28 Indeed , given the high claims monarchs made for themselves , and the excesses of adoration with which they were treated — and by the time of Mary Queen of Scots , this had reached a very high level indeed — we may wonder that so many of them retained any sense of balance at all .
29 Once seen and known , he is vulnerable to attack , and the forces of legitimacy under Richmond duly muster against him .
30 Those that are so general as to encompass many alternative learning paths are at the mercy of the pragmatic needs and preferences of SAT developers and the uncertainties of interpretation by teachers during classroom assessment .
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