Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the phasor diagram the applied phase voltage is equal to the vector sum of the induced voltage and the voltage drops across the resistance and inductance .
2 If the rotor oscillates about this one-phase.on equilibrium position the flux linked with the phase winding undergoes only small changes and the voltage induced by the magnet flux is insignificant .
3 She poured wine and water , and the bubbles calypsoed to the rim of her glass .
4 and the drum went on the floor .
5 In this as in other respects ( see Halliday 1971 : 354 ) the language of the second part of The Inheritors is an interesting blend of the standard language and the norms established in the text .
6 For some time all three moved on quietly over the grass , while the shadows grew stronger and the wood-pigeons clattered among the distant trees .
7 The rapid development of social movements during the 1960s depended in part upon sustained economic growth , full employment , the expansion of higher education , and a general feeling that these societies had entered what was often called a ‘ post-scarcity ’ era in which the fundamental problems of production had been solved and the conditions created for the development of a new society of leisure and enjoyment .
8 6.1 Quiet enjoyment To permit the Tenant peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the Premises without any interruption or disturbance from or by the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord [ or by title paramount ] This covenant quite often contains a provision that it is dependent upon the tenant paying the rent reserved by the lease and performing and observing the covenants on its part and the conditions contained in the lease , but these words have no practical effect , and do not render payment of the rent and performance of the covenants conditions precedent to the operation of the covenant ( Edge v Boileau ( 1885 ) 16 QB 117 ) .
9 Similarly , metallurgical examination of an iron tool can suggest its method of manufacture , the temperatures used , and the conditions needed in the furnace when the metal was being smelted and when it was being forged .
10 And the issue spilled into the tabloid press and the TV Times with readers asked to judge between the rights and wrongs of Sue keeping quiet and Terry 's hurt pride .
11 Discussion of the phrase at the Hague is something of a hardy perennial , because of the evident fascination of different methods of categorising legal rules , and the issue arises in the context of the taking of evidence abroad as well as in the present context .
12 Although the Bush administration stopped short of making a full protest , its official statement described the remarks as " not helpful " , and the issue added to the political pressures already mounting in the USA for protectionist action against Japan .
13 He said that at the end of the day the appeal court was concerned with the proper interpretation of the act and the issue turned on the words used in it .
14 Project work can be developed in outline and the board allows for the planning and evaluation of group experiences .
15 The CE has moved behind the CLR and the board steers into the wind .
16 The outcome was that a second room was negotiated and the students returned to the pattern of separate and segregated groups .
17 She stretched out both hands , as a mother might , unable now to check her own tears , and the girl came round the grave .
18 He behaved as if he had n't seen Marie , and the girl went into the house when Jenna stared at her forcefully .
19 I fell to the ground in great pain , and the man and the girl ran into the woods as fast as they could , and left me .
20 ‘ I would be delighted to design the flowers for your wedding … | ’ The daydream was so engrossing that she almost did n't see the man and the girl struggling on the pavement opposite .
21 Thus , if Jack and the girl go to the cinema , the descriptions and setting may suggest that Jack is wooing the girl , for instance .
22 The black man stood up , and the girl departed down the steps .
23 It is like a medieval chivalric scene , and the Governor-General emerges from the fortified station like a king or great lord across the drawbridge of his castle .
24 Authentic printed labels were correctly reproduced by photography and the bottles filled with the corresponding vintages .
25 To the casual observer the layout of the plant and the flexibility introduced by the carriers are striking improvements over the traditional assembly plant with the track making its inexorable progress past every fixed work station , and Volvo claim that the increased cost of building the plant in this way is covered by improvements in quality and productivity .
26 Nationalization was a pie in the sky , and the pie fell to the ground very soon .
27 This contained a variety of animals — fowl and sixty-three unspecified small birds — but before it could be served the platform supporting it gave way and the pie slipped to the ground .
28 He pushed his foot down and the truck shook with the power of its movement .
29 Let us look at the three processes in more detail — the hopes and the fears invested in the processes and the inherent problems if one process is too predominant over the others .
30 When the trains came in or out , sending the pigeons wheeling from the vaulted roof and the steam rolling against the windows , Meredith felt he was on the poop of some ancient brig sailing a ghostly sea .
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