Example sentences of "and [prep] time to time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Kalchu and Chola were both at home and from time to time they looked down , both repelled and fascinated .
2 ‘ I just play for relaxation nowadays , but I know two of the guys who play here regularly and from time to time they invite me to join them . ’
3 But I went along with him , and from time to time we shared a toothbrush , either his or mine .
4 We get down in the darkness and from time to time we pull the wire .
5 ‘ I 've always thought of the guitar as another voice , so I start with a voice , singing along with the vocal , and from time to time you can hear a place where other voices would come in , like backing harmonies , which then become part of it .
6 There were lights in the new buildings , and from time to time I heard people shouting and laughing .
7 The Whitebred/Welsh Black cross is known as the Blue Albion and from time to time it has been classified as a separate breed .
8 Sporadic cases of the disease continued for some years and from time to time it was necessary to reopen the hospital for their reception .
9 Nevertheless the Bank of England still requires banks ( and other institutions in the monetary sector ) to maintain sufficient liquidity , and from time to time it can order them to increase their liquidity ratio if it feels that this is necessary .
10 Patience is not what we associate with Pound , and from time to time he seems to have kicked over the traces ( at least once to be ticked off for it by Dorothy ) : yet we see all over again that the young Pound was well content with Edwardian England , was hopeful of it and ready to abide by its rules in everything that mattered .
11 He acted as go-between postman , and from time to time he walked with Helen across and around the Common and talked to her a great deal about Edward .
12 Raymond was witty and unusual and from time to time he was invited to drink coffee at the artists ' cafés .
13 His voice was high pitched and from time to time he emphasised his points by restrained movements of his hands .
14 jean had her arm round Donald 's waist now and from time to time she skipped , roused by the fighting spirits of the menfolk .
15 By the end of a week she was little more than a living skeleton : her hand lay all day long in Jennifer 's , and from time to time she would open her eyes , staring pathetically up , with a mute pleading in her expression that no words of comfort or whispered prayers could dispel .
16 He heard the tin bracelets jangling on her wrists and from time to time she bent her head close over her fists as though blowing on reluctant embers ; but it was some time before he realized that he , too , was naked , and that the hands of the Moi girl were stroking and chafing his own body .
17 She refused to allow Jenna to feel guilty , though , and from time to time she smiled across and patted Jenna 's hand .
18 Fen made no comment about the meal she set before him , but , she noticed , he ate with relish and from time to time she felt him observing her contemplatively .
19 When you start work , you should have a formal meeting with your manager , and from time to time there will be follow-up meetings .
20 The ford in the river was blown up to make navigation easier and from time to time there appear to have been spectacular rock falls , one of which carried away the last vestiges of St Vincent 's Chapel which gave its name to St Vincent 's Rocks .
21 I remember that at primary school we had to keep a diary , and from time to time someone would be picked out to face the class and read it aloud .
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