Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Its great efficiency means that bulbs can be very small — a 500-watt halogen bulb is only about 7.5 cm ( 3 in ) long , and about the same thickness as a slim pencil or pen .
2 The typical person over seventy takes half as much REM sleep as the toddler , and about the same amount as a twenty-year-old .
3 We shall return to this issue later , but it surprised me to discover that the population of Waltham Forest needed more expenditure per head for such deprivation than that of Cleveland and about the same amount as Knowsley ; similar observations stem from the comparison of Hackney and Westminster , although this is hampered by including components referring to ILEA .
4 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
5 One of the suggestions , revolutionary at the time , which Swire put to his board in London , was that female clerks should work on an equal footing , and for the same pay as men ; and that Swire recruits earmarked for Eastern posts should learn Chinese .
6 pending the receipt of prompt instructions from the bank/organisation keep its interest in the policy in force up to the full sum insured and for the same risks as were covered when the bank's/organisation 's interest was notified ( subject to the insurance not having been replaced elsewhere with the consent of consent of the bank/organisation ) .
7 She braved herself to meet his eyes , wondering if he too had lost his appetite and for the same reason as her .
8 ‘ Clearly , ’ he said to himself , ‘ Each T on this ball is regular and of the same dimensions as each and every other T. Clearly also , each and every pentagon is regular and the same size as each and every other pentagon . ’
9 This is the first time that such a show has been organised in Bavaria and reflects the interest of its creator , Prinz Georg von Hohenzollern , who is Generaldirektor of the Bavarian Staatliche Gemäldesammlungen and of the same family as Frederick the Great .
10 Two in five employers said that a woman the same age and with the same skills as a man would be more likely to be turned down because of her age .
11 Many of Springhill 's problems stem from being part of the same site and under the same Governor as Grendon Prison , says Judge Tumim .
12 Yeah , yeah was kind , it was kind of them , yes and we went all round the shops and er I thoroughly enjoyed it and in the new Co-Op as well you know , I thoroughly enjoyed it but he took me in the car so that we did n't have to hang about you see
13 Thousands of air travellers were left stranded all along the eastern seaboard and in the Caribbean nations as hurricane-force winds closed airports in Boston , New York , Washington and Atlanta .
14 It can only be confusing to a pupil if features of dialect are ‘ corrected ’ at the same time and in the same way as , for example , spelling errors .
15 It features beautiful and accurate facsimiles of the treasures of Tutankhamun , including the famous gold burial mask , specially produced for the Exhibition , many of which have been made from the same materials and in the same way as the originals .
16 ‘ There is no doubt , ’ Agrippa intervened silkily , ‘ that Ruthven died by the same hand and in the same way as Selkirk in the Tower . ’
17 The other Territorial unit manned by the Works was the Royal Bucks Hussars , also part of the 2nd South Midland Brigade and in the same theatre as the Stony Stratford Ambulance .
18 And in the same year as Agazzari , Giovanni Gabrieli 's German pupil Gregor Aichinger ( 1564–1628 ) published at Dillingen his Cantiones ecclesiasticae , partly composed earlier in Rome in admitted emulation of Viadana , with an appendix in German explaining the ‘ Bassus Generalis Et Continuus ’ .
19 CATCHEM emerged in 1986 , four years after Susan Maxwell 's murder and in the same year as Sarah Harper 's .
20 At Woodchester in Gloucestershire the church sits over part of , and in the same alignment as , the vast Roman palace there .
21 His original mind and interests in music , linguistics and the human voice led him to study the problems of deaf education and to invent " The New Sign Language , " in which every sign was a pantomimic version of the spoken word and in which signs were made in the same order and in the same sequel as the words of normal speech .
22 Indeed the National Curriculum is expressed in terms of subjects — the same list , technology apart , and in the same order as that contained in the secondary regulations of 1904 .
23 Hakon has disappeared , although the three earls who do sign are the same and in the same order as in S 963 , while the latter 's eight bishops and four abbots are now six and three respectively .
24 refusing the help of family members and others who prepare " special " meals but having the same meals at the same time and in the same place as everyone else .
25 In control tests , vehicle ( saline ) was infused at the same volume and in the same manner as in tests with bFGF .
26 Saline was also used as vehicle and was administered in the same manner and in the same volume as the test substances .
27 The skill can be learned as a whole and in the same sequence as normally performed in practice .
28 The fleece comes in rust and in the same sizes as the jacket ( above ) .
29 It is a choice that is fully there for us to make at the same time and in the same fashion as other countries , except that we have the additional option of deciding that it would not be right for this country .
30 Hoof and horn is yet another animal end product valuable as a long-lasting slow-release supplier of nitrogen , and in the same class as bone meal for the length of time it takes .
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