Example sentences of "and [prep] the [det] [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 When the meter man came for the last time he spoke of my aunt , and of the many years he had been to the house , so that he felt himself to be almost an old friend .
2 Like his father he was a great music lover and amongst the many works he published was a collection of over 300 songs set to music , entitled The Muses ' Delight ( 1754 ) .
3 And in the same way he sprinkled with the blood both the tent and all the vessels used in worship .
4 In 1885 John became director of the Comedy Theatre , Manchester , and in the same year he began teaching children to dance .
5 Also during his retirement , in 1838 , Foulston published a volume of his designs , The Public Buildings erected in the West of England , as designed by J. Foulston , and in the same year he became a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects .
6 This marriage , of which there were no children , was dissolved in 1924 and in the same year he married Edith Dora Hodges , singer , daughter of Joseph Hodges , butcher of Tooting ; they had three sons and one daughter .
7 In 1885 he became a founder-member of council of the Manchester Photographic Society , where he met some of the most notable pioneers of early photographic techniques , and in the same year he was elected a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society .
8 In 1777 he became a partner of Henry Park [ q.v. ] , who was also a surgeon to the Infirmary , and in the same year he moved to Basnett Street .
9 He was knighted in 1938 for service to the hotel industry , and in the same year he was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honour .
10 They were divorced in 1937 and in the same year he married Margaret Cairns White , daughter of a Lancashire textile-warehouse manager of Irish descent .
11 Together with Aymer de Valence , Earl of Pembroke [ q.v. ] ( often his partner in these years ) , he led an expedition to the north in 1315 ; in 1316 he took a major role in the suppression of the Welsh rising of Llywelyn ab Rhys ( Llewelyn Bren ) [ q.v. ] and of the revolt at Bristol ; and in the same year he was among the committee of bishops and magnates appointed to reform the royal household .
12 And in the same year he tried to prevent Guntram 's general , Gundulf , from entering Marseilles .
13 To her he confessed that he hoped residence at Lincoln would banish his ‘ moods ’ and in the same letter he reflected on his own mother 's ‘ love and uncertainty , in her melancholy unconfident way ’ .
14 In July 1880 Taylor was made deacon and in the same month he sailed for East Africa , to the Nyanza mission , under the auspices of the Church Missionary Society .
15 Many a reader of The Possessed will have smiled at Von Lemke 's paper cut-outs — the conductor waving his baton , the bustling railway porter , the hell-fire gesticulating preacher — and at the same time he will have wondered why the microcosmic animated toys feel so supremely right for this novel .
16 It would give the American parent group a chance to examine his potential at close quarters and at the same time he would be able to undergo some training to prepare him for the more elevated positions he was destined to occupy in future .
17 Believe he could not , and at the same time he had no firm conviction that all was untrue .
18 Sharpe shouted , and at the same time he raked his spurs back so savagely that the exhausted and astonished mare jerked forward , almost spilling Sharpe out of his tall Hussar 's saddle .
19 His right eye , which he had hardly noticed until Dr McNab had looked at it a little while earlier , had begun to throb painfully , and at the same time he felt feverish and nauseated , though perhaps it was only on account of the fetid atmosphere and the stench of urine .
20 He had enjoyed immense public prestige as Supreme Commander , Allied Forces , 1944–6 , and Supreme Commander , NATO , 1950–52 , and at the same time he had managed to remain above the political squabbles of the period .
21 She stumbled off the edge of the concrete path , and immediately his flashlight was directed towards the ground and at the same time he pressed her arm more tightly into his side , and like this they walked on until they reached the wood , and there their steps slowed and quietly he asked , ‘ Where 's he gone tonight ? ’
22 There was no fire and I had switched off long before the port wing touched the ground , I saw him hare across the airfield diagonally opposed to the direction of the hangar , and indeed the aircraft , and at the same time he was haring away towards Findhorn .
23 However , if the broker fills an order left with him by his client or deals on a discretionary basis , he is as a matter of law dealing on both sides of the " client " contract ; he is agent for the client , in that he binds the client to the contract , and at the same time he is technically the client 's counterparty .
24 ‘ True enough he 's seen her but once , ’ Hotspur said gently , ‘ and by the same token he must have liked well what he saw , for he 's been in correspondence with her ever since he was crowned .
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