Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] [noun sg] you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But rabbits are always reluctant to leave cover and for that reason you may first have to clear the site with a reap-hook before line ferrets are introduced .
2 The ideal of beauty and normality can not perish in a healthy society ; and for this reason you ought to let art go its own way ad be confident that it will not go astray …
3 So either you say there 's no general will or there is something like a general will , but it is not easily recognizable and for either reason you would want to be much more tolerant of the role minorities , either as a way of getting to the truth , or erm as a way of as it were making up the truth as you 're going along .
4 You wo n't be granted a divorce until a period of a year has elapsed and during that period you 'll have to work out access and maintenance for the children .
5 With the new proposals it seems the needs of the children will be put first because you wo n't be granted a divorce until a period of a year has elapsed and during that period you 'll have to work out access and maintenance for the children and put their needs first and that seems very good .
6 And underneath this archway you used to have meat stalls and fish stalls and it used to be called the shambles .
7 All the tools that you need are there and with intelligent use you should be able to manage on your own most of the time .
8 I think you 'll agree it sounds really cool , and with some persistence you will start finding some interesting melodies and lines .
9 ( e ) Bill of costs It is also appropriate to prepare your own bill immediately after contracts are exchanged , and within that bill you should incorporate those disbursements that have been expended from your firm 's office account .
10 In the event of our cancelling this order as to all or any of the goods and/or the work covered thereby we shall be entitled to purchase from a third party a like quantity of goods of similar description and quality , or a reasonable alternative thereto , bearing in mind our need to take delivery of the goods by the date specified overleaf , or to contract with a third party to perform work of a similar description and quality , and in that event you shall be liable to reimburse to us on demand all expenditure incurred by us in connection with our said cancellation , including any increase in the price over that stated overleaf .
11 And in that pack you 'll have things like , er a picture of my granddad to colour .
12 Each exercise only lasts 15 seconds , and in that time you must complete as many repetitions as possible .
13 Martin and Liz Hunt 's Adventurline offers walking and exploration tours to uncover Cornwall 's flora , fauna and prehistory — and in warm weather you may be lucky enough to swim with Atlantic grey seals , as a break from trekking the coastal path .
14 And in a jiffy you would be in the garden , and in another jiffy you would be through the front gate , and in yet another jiffy you would be exploring the marvellous Forest of Sin all by yourself .
15 And in this case you would not agree to statement being written , say being read out , you would n't require him to be present , and it could not be introduced under section twenty four because the court would find that it was in the interests of ju justice that it does n't .
16 If your symptoms do n't go away after a few minutes it is probable that you have n't caught it quickly enough and in this case you will need to use the technique of ‘ rebreathing ’ .
17 To work at this sort of depth it is necessary to dig a hole of bigger diameter and in this case you must consider your own safety .
18 Some computers will perform this function on receipt of a sequence of control characters and in this case you can use VDU or CHR$ to send the appropriate codes .
19 We could stop pretending that some of us have solutions which are vastly and obviously superior to others , when we all know really that our solutions are not good enough , and in this way you would come together in creative activity instead of fragmenting into ever more divisive and destructive activities which are technically called displacement from one another
20 Remember that more English wine is sold direct from vineyards than is offered through wine merchants , and in this way you can often negotiate a better price .
21 Decide which these are now , and in this way you will have a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit , an essential part of the diet .
22 It is , of course , quite easy to tell the difference by tapping the walls inside to see which are hollow , and in any case you will soon find out when you try to hang shelves , mirrors or pictures on the walls .
23 On the other hand , the openings in companies ' legal departments are much fewer than in private practice ; and in any case you should not consider articles in commerce or industry unless you are keen to make this your career .
24 Er certainly within package holiday companies itself , competition was intense during this period and price being the major factor in determinants of demand , all the tour operators try to keep price down to a minimum and over this period you would find the average price for a package holiday would barely have changed one year to the next .
25 Subsequently the trial judge stated in respect of charge 3 : ‘ You must consider this charge separately against each accused on the evidence which is available against that accused , and on that evidence you must return a separate verdict for each accused . ’
26 The vernacular of any way of life can only be absorbed ‘ through the skin ’ by immersing oneself in its people ; and to this end you would be foolish not to spend at least a year ( preferably two ) working on mixed farms in the district in which you hope to settle , making friends and winning the respect of the countrymen who will be your neighbours .
27 So that at the end of the five years , assuming you 've paid the maximum stake at seven and a half percent , you would , otherwise you would receive the nine thousand back of course , and at that rate you would receive two six seven one and that will include , if you 're a twenty five percent payer , six hundred and sixty seven that you would have otherwise lost in , that would have gone out in tax .
28 And at that stage you can say no thank you and our advice is take the report and then go to another investment advisor and they will do precisely the same .
29 It takes at least three years to put into effect any major alteration in a course , and by that time you will have left college , we hope , with a completed degree .
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