Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun] [pron] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Well I would , I would , I would just comment that there er in profits have er have it does n't mean to say that we wo n't have some profits from our estate at Thurrock because there are other areas of land involved , but they wo n't be so substantial and for B-Sky-B I would turn to Frank .
2 And of course we would raise your money for doing it . ’
3 We could , by arrangement , introduce one or two bits of BCR practice e.g. Parliamentary tickets , and of course we would take our exhibition along .
4 I think I would come down on voles really and they do actually dig a hole like that they go for erm small boulders and things like that in the garden or roots and they will send out clods as well cos they can uproot quite , quite a fair piece of er soil and of course they would eat berries as well , but again I 'm with Walter , I would like to see the end product .
5 Of course they would escape and of course they would outwit the Gruagach , thought Fenella , her mind tumbling with images , fighting to stay awake in case she could help Floy and Snodgrass .
6 Ships in the night , holiday romance etcetera , he would have sensibly suggested , and of course he would have been right .
7 I consider her a model of feminine beauty and virtue , and of course I would prefer to marry her above you .
8 A sharp pull on the whip and with luck it would spin .
9 Those girls are getting from 13s to El a week for producing the Gazette and in London they would have to pay 395 at the lowest to the men who are producing government work , so that the competition is not fair .
10 First of all , because it is the capital ; Paris did n't want it and in London it would have been at Canary Wharf , which as you know is now in receivership , so thank goodness it did n't go there , and the Getty Museum is also restricted for visitors .
11 I agree with him that an unsatisfactory situation er was created in our legislation and in passing I would like to say how much we all welcome , I 'm sure the efforts of my Noble Friend to get legislation simplified , but erm on this particular matter which he has raised , I would like to try to comfort him if that is possible , because erm by getting rid of the er the sections two two A and three of the Police Act as they er nineteen sixty four as they have been amended and er substituting this clause to the Bill simplification will in fact have been achieved so far as the form is concerned .
12 At a time when we have child prostitution in our child children 's homes , Labour Councillors are entertaining themselves to sun sand and sangria in exotic foreign locations and in conclusion I would like to make just one comment , that this episode brings to mind a famous quotation in circles .
13 Erm , and in fact I would move my original motion as an amendment to yours .
14 Up in the Hebrides — and in time I would find myself filming mink there , too — the effect of the animals on ground-nesting birds such as common and arctic terns appears to be serious .
15 And on horseback they would feel so much safer .
16 And to Listowel they would start off early , Nicandra sleepless and dishevelled .
17 Many are portrayed as strong personalities : the Swansea shopkeeping grandmother , a ‘ wonderful old lady ’ who would tell historical stories of the Rebecca Riots ; the cultured , much-travelled Scots widow , a ‘ remarkable woman ’ who ran her late husband 's estate ; the toothless , pipe-smoking , ‘ mediumistic ’ Lancashire granny who believed in ghosts and practised second sight ; or the Scot ploughman 's wife who taught her grandson the Bible and catechism ‘ patiently , affectionately , and prayerfully … and at night she would put me to bed , wrap me snug and warm , and kindly teach me short prayers , psalms , and hymns . ’
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