Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 One was a £230,000 ‘ compensation for loss of office ’ , the bulk of which went to the former chief executive , Emmanuel Olympitis , who suddenly departed last month .
2 Mr Faulks said : ‘ Inside the police found a complete confidence trickster 's set with 26 different charge cards either in the name of Garawand or in the name of Yousefi and ten cheque books , four of which related to the same account at the Royal Bank of Scotland in Darlington . ’
3 The former was the obvious clash between Britain 's need for exports to pay her way in the post-war world and the requirement of the rearmament programme , both of which competed for the same scarce skills and resources of the metal-working industries to the detriment of the export trade .
4 Figure 5 is another little collection from my trophy room , all of which developed in the same kind of way .
5 Finally the position of the mouth of the river at all stages may not be known so that we may not be certain of which stretch of the former river we are dealing with .
6 These openings , some of which occur in the same place year after year , are often of great biological importance , allowing light to penetrate , phytoplankton to bloom , and whales , seals and seabirds to survive when the rest of the sea remains covered .
7 There are , however , four distinct stages in the development of phylloxera , all of which belong to the same Phylloxera vastatrix life-cycle : the sexual , the leaf , the root and the winged form .
8 Because of what transpired in the latter part of 1989 , seldom has your insight been so penetrating and accurate , and between now and August is a time of unrivalled opportunities for you to make your mark .
9 The other is a slim footbridge carried on the piers of what looks like a former railway viaduct .
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