Example sentences of "of [det] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The inside of Jotan 's house was constructed on three levels — galleries off the main building which were buttressed by huge timbers — and the open ends of each living space overlooked the central hall , although the stairways which gave access to them were concealed .
2 Mainly because the defence of the territorial possessions of each individual church presented the clearest and most immediate duty of its head .
3 Beautifully drawn , absolutely simple , absolutely without fuss or nervousness , absolutely free of that clever art-student look the drawings of simple objects I do have .
4 Beat that fear and victor was certain , and victory brought glory and fame and medals and money and , best of all , sweetest of all , most glorious and wondrous of all , the modest teasing grin of a short black-haired Emperor who would pat the Dragoon General as though he was a faithful dog , and the thought of that Imperial favour made the General quicken his horse and raise his battered sword .
5 It receives them automatically as a member of the European Broadcasting Union , a privilege granted to it because 15 member stations of that cosy cartel own the half of Eurosport which Murdoch does not .
6 The first report of that working party assessed the problems in Great Britain , whilst the second report , published in 1975 , by Warren Spring Laboratory , Department of Industry , is a comprehensive summary to best present practice in odour measurement , prevention and abatement as well as planning , design and operation of factories and installations liable to produce unpleasant odours .
7 The last words of that great prayer express the worship with which we began : ‘ ’ For thine is the Kingdom , the Power and the Glory , for ever and ever ’ , the final word denoting our agreement with all that precedes it : Amen .
8 ‘ Where the person applying for leave to make an application for a section 8 order is not the child concerned , the court shall , in deciding whether or not to grant leave , have particular regard to — ( a ) the nature of the proposed application for the section 8 order ; ( b ) the applicant 's connection with the child ; ( c ) any risk there might be of that proposed application disrupting the child 's life to such an extent that he would be harmed by it ; and ( d ) where the child is being looked after by a local authority — ( i ) the authority 's plans for the child 's future ; and ( ii ) the wishes and feelings of the child 's parents .
9 On the basis of that modular thinking came the somewhat revolutionary idea ( for 1963 ) of the single , ergonomically efficient control console .
10 But tangentially he was part of that transatlantic wave shaping the British 1960s , with Ginsberg , Laurence Ferlinghetti , Corso , and Burroughs-cult figures amongst the milieu spilling out of CND .
11 The blind woman quivered as she skryed light years outward through the warp , obeying the disciplines of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica , seeking contact with the mind of some other Astropath serving the fortress-monastery at Vindict V.
12 It was as though his hand and his whole arm were plunged deep within the hot tight birth-canal of some angry animal to manipulate the contents of a packed , pulsing womb .
13 The shock waves of this political explosion engulfed the whole of Europe , so that by 1848 only England of the major nations had not experienced a revolution .
14 The way young children 's bodies are handled , the way their bodily needs are attended to , and the physical ambience of this early intimacy prepare the ground for feelings encountered later in life , when genital maturity allows sexual expression to be added to the repertoire of ways of relating and communicating .
15 The rise of this logical positivism reinforced the Enlightenment belief in science and rationality ( at the very moment that the world was in desperate need of a moral code and a spiritual light to help it through the great crisis — the Depression — of the old machine 's apparent demise ) .
16 ‘ Within ten minutes of this 28-year-old youngster taking the platform , I knew that here was one of the dozen finest orators in the country .
17 The pattern of inheritance of this simple characteristic led the Moravian monk , Gregor Mendel , to one of the greatest insights in biology — character traits were not blended during passage from one generation to another but inherited as separate factors , later called genes .
18 Out of this new structure evolved the idea that Robson Rhodes needed a chief executive to come in from outside and run the company on the same lines as a plc .
19 Liverpool Airport managing director Rod Hill said last night : ‘ The addition of this new business reinforces the belief in future opportunities at Liverpool .
20 In terms of this new time coordinate the Schwarzschild metric becomes .
21 The emergence of this new movement transformed the political situation in Northern Ireland , producing sectarian tensions , instability , conflict and violence .
22 The solid calcite of this internal skeleton makes the belemnoid a resistant fossil , and fragments are common survivors of erosion , often picked up on ‘ Recent ’ beaches .
23 Out of this absurd impasse came the idea of my writing down my version of Tom Watt 's story .
24 In the middle of this probing mass lay the fortress city of Warsaw , guarded by a ring of forts , while diagonally through the area ran the natural obstacle of the mighty River Vistula .
25 At the heart of this complex network lies the Grid Control Centre .
26 Happily these two roles are crucial ones , and the powerful delineation of this central rivalry gave the whole performance its backbone .
27 Next year , the younger son of this old man became the first of five Richard Goughs to live at Newton on the Hill , a mile or so from Myddle church .
28 The loss of this basic perspective produces the worst problems and the biggest scandal .
29 Early development of this basilican plan included the addition of a western narthex and a separate baptistery .
30 The apparently calm , almost holiday mood of this Bosnian couple disguises the sheer terror they 've endured over the past few weeks .
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