Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lee realized that there was no longer a sound of singing in the bar and when she looked up saw ‘ Patricia ’ staring down at her .
2 There was sadness at the absence of Steffi Graf , who had to return home without playing because , within days of recovering from the flu that had disrupted her appearance at the Hopman Cup , she went down with German measles .
3 Therefore , to prove the offence of using against the employer as well as against the driver , the employer must be interviewed and questioned as follows : ‘ Are you ( or your firm ) the owner of motor vehicle … ? ’ 'Then ‘ was the vehicle being used on your ( or your firm 's ) business at … ( time ) … on … ( date ) … in … ( road ) … ? ’
4 One of these , the Colt Patent Repeating Pistol , he had been in the habit of using throughout the siege and it was now stuck uncomfortably in the cummerbund he wore round his waist ; he was anxious that the others should not fall into the hands of the sepoys if the Residency were lost .
5 Umpire Ken Palmer had no more chance than any other human being of seeing to the inch whether Gooch had made it to safety in those split-seconds .
6 Before the Americans were irrevocably committed , however , and before the French positions on the Chinese frontier were overrun , they could conceivably have strengthened non-communist national forces in Vietnam to the point where they had a better chance of competing with the Vietminh or even , biting on the bullet , the French could have tried to negotiate a settlement , no matter what alarm that prospect might have caused their American allies .
7 In fact one of the striking characteristics of the history of Africa 's informals during the last three decades is how few of them have managed to launch genuine large-scale businesses , capable of competing with the foreign-owned or -managed enterprises which are still so critical in many countries .
8 He was associated with André L. Simon in the foundation of the Saintsbury Club in 1931 and , two years later , with that of the Wine and Food Society , the aim of which was ‘ to raise standards of cooking throughout the country and to provide practical demonstrations of the arts of the table ’ .
9 They do n't want to charge her so that she can have the opportunity of proving to the court that er she is innocent .
10 Mr Broady recounted the growth and development of policing in the area and showed many interesting slides , some dating from the earliest days of photography .
11 It might be claimed that studying routine policing in Northern Ireland avoids the real issue of policing in the province and that attention ought to be addressed to those sections of the RUC which are responsible for what Turk ( 1982 ) calls ‘ political policing ’ and Brodeur ( 1983 ) ‘ high policing ’ , such as the Special Branch , the mobile support units , which are in effect riot police , or the various surveillance units like E4A .
12 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
13 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
14 By late afternoon she realised he had no intention of returning to the office while she was in it , and she had a strong suspicion that he did not trust her .
15 He started by saying that after Montaine 's death Jean-Claude had survived in the dark — a dirty , torn piece of sacking over the window and newspaper plugging the broken panes , obscuring the merest ray of sunlight .
16 This proposal found support in the work of Lord Kelvin , the pioneer Victorian geophysicist , who attempted to calculate the age of the Earth from its probable rate of cooling on the assumption that it had formed as a molten offshoot of the Sun .
17 Howard had tried all the proprietary athlete 's foot remedies , but found they were only partially effective ; the infection would always return with a vengeance within a few days of discontinuing with the ointment or powder .
18 In brief , if schematic knowledge is in short supply on a particular occasion , then the more we need to invoke systemic knowledge as a means of compensating for the deficiency and if we are thereby able to convert symbol to index , then the act of meaning negotiation itself has the effect of extending or altering the schematic knowledge we started with .
19 After twenty years of trading in the volost' and in Kursk town he came to own by 1914 eight houses ( four of them in Kursk ) and had a turnover of a million roubles .
20 When conduct on the part of a government or some other public body is dubbed ‘ unconstitutional ’ , what is often meant is not necessarily that the law has been broken , but rather that the action is out of keeping with the style or , more broadly , the ‘ way of life ’ of a country …
21 If , and it was a very big ‘ if ’ , Riddle 's body had been substituted for the Scapegoat he felt sure that it was not as a convenient way of disposing of the body but to give more effective expression to the hatred which had inspired his killing .
22 Issuing a series of warnings to the government and the ANC , they called for the scrapping of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA — the multiparty forum for constitutional negotiations — see p. 38897 ) and condemned the Record of Understanding between the government and ANC reached in September [ see pp. 39078-79 ] .
23 He promised that China would continue to strengthen bilateral co-operation with the UK on the basis of the Joint Declaration and the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the construction and financing of a new airport in Hong Kong , a highly sensitive issue [ see p. 38340 ] , on which more bilateral discussions were to be held in July .
24 They weighed up the prospect of knocking on the door and members of the jury , you have to consider in due course whether they got that act right .
25 There 's much earnest talk of communicating with the universe and creating a sculpture in time …
26 There is some evidence to suggest that the high costs of operating in the south and south east , and the growing skill shortage problem , are beginning to influence location decisions but the region seems set to retain its leading position for some time to come .
27 By far the most common is a demand for amendment with the object of petitioning against the order if the demand is not met .
28 A notable group of recent feminist studies has focused on these women carers , bringing home in no uncertain measure the cost they pay , financially , in time , and emotionally : ‘ the claustrophobia , to the point of being suffocated , of living with the situation and , of course , the exhausting conflict of mixed emotions … the love , anger , frustration and guilt ’ .
29 They had the edge , a way of living for the moment that she envied .
30 The nurse will find answers to these types of questions in the course of conversing with the patient and his family and observing their behaviour ; and there may also be relevant information in other records such as medical records to which the nurse has access .
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