Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pillai was sent as assistant commissioner of the Raipur District of the Central Provinces , where he learned ‘ on the job ’ the art of administering to the needs of half a million people .
2 I think what really happened then [ the third time ] there was a sort of crackling in the noises as if someone was falling down .
3 We each have our own highly individual ways of reacting to the stresses of life and of maintaining our inner harmony .
4 Then she discovered he 'd gone off any idea of tucking into the delights of her home-made lasagne anyway as , without another word , he turned and headed out of the kitchen .
5 He came across as a weak , indecisive leader wracked by doubt and in danger of drowning in the complexities of the problems that faced him .
6 Perhaps it is the beauty of the surroundings , the tradition of stepping in the shoes of countless generations of faithful people .
7 The judgment on what constitutes an emergency for the purpose of deviating from the rules on drivers ' hours merits close attention .
8 The importance of catering to the tastes of more affluent middle-aged people is underpinned by the increase in their numbers and high spending power .
9 Chatting in the bar at the festival centre , the 30-year-old writer/director shows a few signs of wear ( a bad back , a persistent cold ) but is obviously still riding the adrenaline rush of getting his movie made after years of struggling on the margins of the film industry .
10 There was a cassette which provided a background commentary , a monologue about the glory of dying in the arms of a comrade at Christmas as the stars above sung out the glory of the Lord .
11 Sarella murmured sleepily , allowing her lips the luxury of pressing against the muscles of his bronzed shoulder in a banquet of sensation .
12 The latter must be careful to avoid giving an impression of revelling in the trappings of power , and they must beware of appearing to threaten the prerogatives of other political actors such as the Supreme Court or the Congress .
13 I 've not had the benefit of walking round the grounds of Skelton Hall .
14 Like Dexter , she had had enough of grappling with the bundles of facts she had accumulated , facts that did not slot together to form a coherent pattern ; but dissolved and reformed into new patterns every time she touched them .
15 In urban areas , where the range of health professionals at the primary care level is still variable , a fully multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of cases is a valuable means of compensating for the limitations of particular general practices .
16 Far from being outdated , this old and broad conception of democracy holds out the only hope of compensating for the weaknesses of elected representative assemblies , dwarfed as they presently are by the bureaucratic and monopolistic structures of power which surround them .
17 The difference of spelling in the endings of appellant , respondent , derives from Latin .
18 And when a ratepayer challenged a local authority 's conduct of its policy to sell council houses and invoked his statutory right to complain to the District Auditor , he was debarred from at the same time pursuing the alternative remedy of applying to the courts for judicial review .
19 The purpose of these Heads of Agreement is to set out the degree of understanding between the parties for the purchase by [ ] Plc from the shareholders of ABC ( ‘ the Vendors ’ ) of the whole of the issued share capital of ABC including any shares issued pursuant to the share option scheme ( ‘ Adjusted Share Capital ’ ) .
20 Tyne & Wear Development Corp in the UK is using a specially adapted version of the Superscape virtual reality software from Aldermaston , Berkshire-based Dimension International Ltd to enable planners and the public to ‘ walk through ’ its £180m redevelopment scheme for the City of Newcastle Upon Tyne 's East Quayside : Newcastle-based Real Time Design Ltd , which is implementing the system , has already created the base landscape and a few of the proposed buildings in the virtual world , and will continue to add new ones based on architects drawings and computer aided design-generated images ; using the system , it will be possible to simulate , in real time , the experience of driving on the roads between the new buildings , ensuring that the Tyne Bridge is visible at some locations .
21 Bingham hit out after Charlton had written-off Northern Ireland 's chances of qualifying for the finals in the United States in two years .
22 The greater the complexity of systems , the more danger of something going wrong , and the less chance individual will has of operating on the systems for good .
23 This is seen , for instance , in the denial to prostitutes of ‘ normal ’ family relations through the existence and increased harshness of the offence of living on the earnings of prostitution , which effectively stops them from living with a partner .
24 Working-class Protestants had some material advantages over their Catholic competitors and enjoyed preferential treatment in housing and local government employment but these advantages were sometimes marginal and were not often felt to be considerable advantages because the Protestants did not sit down to statistical comparisons of their standards of living with the opportunities of Catholics .
25 A lot of very young single mums , if the did n't have relative in the area , found the pressures of living in the flats on benefit , er pretty severe .
26 James Grant included ‘ The Pawnbroker ’ in Pictures of Popular People in 1842 , their reputation having improved since the Gentleman 's Magazine of 1745 which had deplored the pawnbroker 's role of living by the miseries of mankind .
27 As a result of living within the rigours of a farming calendar these people understood the imperatives of the seasons ; they knew instinctively that the day did not stop just because it was dark , that work might be slack one day but fraught for the next three .
28 ‘ Participating firms have the services of a consultant for between one and four hours , they receive a summary of his findings , a copy of the complete study and a return visit when he advises on ways of acting on the results of his findings . ’
29 The accounts in hand would seem to favour this alternative suggestion , whether within the narrower confines of school society and the rejection of school rules , or within the wider context of acting against the laws of British society as a whole .
30 There was never any question of dispensing with the services of an emperor .
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