Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By the mid-1970s our collective view was that , with a few notable exceptions , Soviet technology was on a distinctly inferior plane to that found in the major Western industrial countries and , moreover , had shown no signs of catching up in the previous 15–20 years .
2 There was no question of easing off in the second half .
3 It went without saying that he did n't want to be seen , but it was worth the extra discomfort of hanging around for the extra information that he might pick up .
4 He had visions of booking in to the same hotel several weeks running and a knowing clerk saying , ‘ Ah , I see sir has a new Mrs Smith this weekend … ’ as his latest girl flashed her ring on the desk .
5 The purpose of this exercise , verbally repeated in funeral orations , was to instil in the young the duty of living up to the glorious achievements of their forefathers .
6 The strain of living up to the lofty concept of marriage that they have invented is tiring , at times , and she is a busy woman .
7 ‘ My nickname was ‘ Rabbit ’ because of my prominent front teeth — so when we decided to get married , I instantly thought of dressing up as the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland .
8 Likewise , the purpose of introducing science into the secondary schools was never in doubt to such leading advocates as H. E. Roscoe , the first President of the Association of Public School Science Masters ( the precursor of our Association for Science Education ) ; school science was , for Roscoe , as Layton quotes him , to be ‘ the means of sifting out from the great mass of the people those golden grains of genius which now are too often lost amongst the sands of mediocrity ’ .
9 History is the study of the past using documents and inscriptions as evidence , and historians have recorded and interpreted events from the earliest days of writing up to the present day .
10 Someone must have done some extensive informing , because MacLane picked Susan and me out of the crowd without even the pretence of looking around for the usual suspects .
11 So , instead of splashing out for the big one , we 've got a number of gorgeous jewels to give away .
12 Often , in the course of these , which involved a lot of wandering about among the surrounding woods and fields , we had occasion to urinate together ( it would have taken too long to go home ) and the opportunity to examine one another 's bodies .
13 instead of turning up towards the Royal Standard you turn the other way , that comes down past .
14 Born Alfredo James Pacino he is still haunted by memories of growing up on the mean streets of New York 's South Bronx where his street gang pals called him The Actor .
15 Thanks to the several hundred Young Guardian readers who wrote their accounts of Growing Up In the Eighties for the Outloud column .
16 What 's sort of going on since the last time I interviewed you .
17 The Chiefs of Staff took the unusual step of going down to the Royal Naval College , Greenwich , in the late spring of 1952 , where they worked for a fortnight on Churchill 's requirement with their principal scientific and technological advisers , free from the day-to-day hubbub of Whitehall .
18 Eric Cantona 's 85th minute goal was far too little and unfortunately far too late to save Howard Wilkinson 's men suffering the agony of going out for the second time in the space of five weeks .
19 Brockweir residents accuse the council of selling out to the highest bidder instead of letting future generations go to school in their own village .
20 Instead of pulling over onto the hard shoulder , opening the car bonnet and putting more oil in the engine , you take a hammer and bash out the oil warning light .
21 And indeed for the first few weeks there is a manic response of getting up at the usual time and finding things to do , but which gradually subsides into grief and depression .
22 of getting on with the five years plans they 've put too much effort into producing war machines !
23 Sorry , this is a very long way of getting around to the first crop of reviews of Philip Larkin : A Writer 's Life by Andrew Motion ( Faber ) .
24 At least Gooch had the consolation of getting out to the best of the home bowlers , and to a man who is coached by former Indian captain , Kapil Dev .
25 ‘ I was told I had to play well week-in , week-out in the League to further my chances of getting back into the international side and it has been good to play in a successful side at Cardiff . ’
26 Human life has achieved such a high density of population , however , and has such domination , that the structure of our environment is in danger of breaking down under the relentless punishment we are giving our habitat .
27 The observation of slowing down of the orbital rotation of the binary pulsar 1913+16 is also discussed .
28 means of reporting back to the full governing body ; and
29 A Goebbels article in Das Reich at the beginning of March , in which he had emphasized ‘ the great honour of the victims and of holding out for the new Europe ’ , for which it was worthwhile ‘ fighting to the last man in order to go down in history ’ , met with heavy criticism .
30 When a suitable site for a new hive is found the bees have to learn its location and get rid of their earlier learned behaviour of flying back to the old hive .
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