Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [art] [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And presumably the advantage of using a computer for that is much greater than the mere saving of time in a library and taking out a card and putting it in a wallet or erm a card folder or something like that , because you can retain in your computer a lot of information about what books are in the library and what books are out with lenders and so on .
2 And presumably the advantage of using a computer for that is much greater than the mere erm saving of time in a librarian taking out a card and putting it in a wallet or a card folder or something like that , because you can retain in your computer a lot of information about what books are in the library and what books are out with lenders and so on .
3 The librarian had to carefully plan aspects of the project , in which the students would create their own information database on local pubs and clubs using the MICROVIEWDATA software , to cover aspects such as the involvement of other staff , the amount of supervision needed by students , the appropriateness of using the software for this kind of information i.e. was the project information-led or technology-led ?
4 He enthused about the possibilities of using the technology for all sorts of other things .
5 The option of maintaining the hospitals for any significant strategic period was simply untenable .
6 Indeed , it may well have had the indirect , beneficial effect of encouraging the search for better methods .
7 A typical example of this was the subject of Saltman Engineering Co v Campbell Engineering Co ( 1963 ) 65 RPC 203 where drawings of tools for the manufacture of leather punches were placed in the hands of subcontractors for the purpose of manufacturing the tools for one of the plaintiffs .
8 The 1985 Report on Social Attitudes found that the most highly valued method of taking personal action against an unjust law being considered was to write to the local MP and , although the importance of contacting the media for this purpose has increased , the 1986 report found ‘ a widespread and growing self confidence on the part of the electorate to try to bring influence to bear on Parliament ’ .
9 The difference between them stems from the choices made in the context of organizing a provision for those who have challenged the authority of their schoolteachers .
10 Moreover , just as important as stressing the plurality of political resources , which form the basis for the exercise of power , pluralist approaches tend to stress the contingency of transforming the potential for political power offered by the possession of such resources into the actual exercise of power .
11 Lisabeth reluctantly agreed after I put her in charge of phoning the hospital for twice-daily reports , which was exactly the sort of thing she liked to take charge of .
12 When applied in a commercial or public sector decision making context , it typically consists of three elements : eliciting from the decision making body its view of the likelihood of different possible futures relevant to the project under decision : assessing its valuation of alternative ways of tackling the project for all of the possible futures envisaged : suggesting the most appropriate course of action in the light of the two previous steps , using explicit and theoretically justifiable evaluation procedures .
13 Not only , apparently , was it based on a misguided assumption about the nature of human action , but it also stands accused of paving the way for nefarious political ideologies !
14 Dr Michael Balls , chairman of FRAME , believed that ‘ the long term prospect of eliminating the need for live animal experiments altogether must rely on the development , validation , acceptance and adoption of alternative methods ’ .
15 Make the process as brief as possible , but not so brief as not to be able to fulfil the sales objective of obtaining an order , or of opening the way for further negotiations .
16 But a cautious McHale yesterday refused to be drawn on Ford 's chances of landing a contract for next season .
17 All these provisions apply to listed buildings ( of which in 1985 there were 380,000 in England , 33,000 in Scotland , and 10,600 in Wales ) but the secretary of state has power to list a building at any time , and local authorities can serve a ‘ building preservation notice ’ on an unlisted building ; this has the effect of protecting the building for six months , thus giving time for considering whether or not it should be listed .
18 PEUGEOT ‘ PASSPORT ’ offers a choice of keeping the car for two or three years , with purchasers selecting annual mileage bands of up to 6 , 12 , or 24 , miles per annum .
19 IT was the guilt of living a lie for 50 years that forced agony aunt Marje Proops into confessing her secret love affair .
20 The Squadron had originated as the idea of a New Englander , Norman Prince , who had learned to fly in Massachusetts in 1914 , and then set off to France with the intention of forming a unit for American volunteer flyers .
21 At the time of writing the fee for this valuation will vary between £50 and £200 according to the purchase price .
22 The deputy head has a particular responsibility for supporting children in mainstream schools with the aim of obviating the need for special school placement .
23 Grouping children was an organizational device as much as a teaching approach , a way of maximizing the opportunities for productive teacher-child interaction as well as a means of encouraging cooperation among the children and flexibility in curriculum .
24 Clinical trials continue with the aim of improving the prognosis for selected groups of medically fit individuals .
25 He regards it as a way forward for the museum and a means of providing a window for many more people on Britain 's scientific and technological expertise .
26 According to employee benefit specialists , Mercer Fraser , the cost of providing a creche for 75 children would be £590,966 in the first year with an ongoing cost of £290,966 a year .
27 Inspirational Comics is published by a Canadian cartoonist with the aim of providing a forum for all cartoonists whose work reflects a Christian viewpoint .
28 As Henry Fosbrooke of the Tanganyika administration pointed out , these would serve the dual purpose of providing an outlet for excess Masai stock and an opportunity for the transaction of administrative business ; courts , for instance , could be held at cattle auctions .
29 Its third great function , that of providing the capital for urban and industrial development itself , it could hardly help fulfilling in agrarian countries , where there were few other sources of revenue for governments and the rich ; though it might fulfil it inefficiently and inadequately .
30 Derek Jefferson once again took the unusual course of holding the flag for such a short putt , but it did n't put Brian Harley off .
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