Example sentences of "of [noun pl] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In discussion it was suggested that one could consider the clash of values at the local level in terms of game theory , where ‘ traditionalists ’ were playing the game and were winning whereas ‘ progressivists ’ were not in the game but wanted to change the rules so that they could compete .
2 The arrangement of molecules at the potential energy maximum is known as the ‘ activated complex ’ .
3 The key factor here therefore is efficiency — achieving a given output with the best technical mix of inputs at the lowest cost .
4 Vincent Cannistraro , chief of operations at the Central Intelligence Agency 's counter-terrorism centre at the time of the bombing , said there was evidence Iran may have hired out the operation to both Libya and to the Syria-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) .
5 In what seems like a big complement on our powers of imagination , Unix System Laboratories chief Roel Pieper and Chuck Reilly , vice president of operations at the Open Software Foundation have been re-writing history , claiming at Utrecht a few weeks back that the press made up the entire Unix Wars all by themselves : ‘ they never happened ’ pleaded Rielly , who did n't join OSF until 1989 , after some of the worst was over .
6 A smile can charm and delude us so that we accept even lies and insults — providing that they are accompanied by the expected flash of teeth at the same time !
7 One would not try to explain the flight of birds at the molecular level , whereas that level is most appropriate if we wish to understand how muscles contract .
8 ‘ He even gave us a talk about his love of birds at the Tory Party Conference .
9 The gonococcus , a micro-biological master of male chauvinism , not only gives virtually no clues as to its presence in an infected female , but , should she attend a clinic or specialist for the purposes of diagnosis , it will only reveal itself m-some 50 per cent of cases at the first visit compared to well over 90 per cent of cases in males .
10 Groups at the lowest level will themselves form constituents of groups at the next level up , and so on through the hierarchy .
11 Research on interests in local politics , and research on the " third world " of groups at the national level with only limited and sporadic access to government , has revealed a picture of the interest-group world starkly at odds with the rosy optimism of the pluralist perspective .
12 Krauss observes another case of mass reproduction in Manet 's ‘ assembly line ’ style of the continued overpainting of a large number of canvases at the same time .
13 But with Gazza at one end of the scales , even a pound of turnips at the other end will come close to achieving that .
14 The introduction , in 1951 , of the General Certificate of Education made it easier to enrol secondary-modern pupils for such examinations , since at ordinary level ( O level ) the more able among them could now take one subject or a few subjects , without having to take a whole group of subjects at the same time .
15 The real problem was that although Ernest Bevin and the trade union movement had swept away pacifist opposition , and won conference support for collective security for the League of Nations at the Labour Party 's Brighton Conference of 1935 , it was by no means fully committed to rearmament .
16 It had at least seven governing bodies and watchdogs set over it : the Danzig Volkstag , the Danzig Senate , the Polish Commissioner General , the German Commissioner General , the Danzig Harbour Board , the League of Nations High Commissioner , the Council of the League of Nations at the High Court in the Hague and finally , the League itself sitting in Geneva .
17 Yet he had photographs of her in every jacket pocket , and they fell out of books at the wrong time and upset Eva ; and when he asked me about Mum , Dad and I had to go into another room , away from Eva , as if we were discussing something disgraceful .
18 The system is supposed to be organized hierarchically , so that the properties of the information processing units , presumably single cells , at one stage are due to the convergence of inputs from a number of units at the previous level .
19 This can leave an elderly person alone and facing a bewildering number of losses at the same time .
20 No one disputes that the Tribune Company , publisher of the Chicago Tribune among other papers , had to do something about the decade-long trickle of losses at the Daily News , America 's oldest tabloid and New York 's largest-circulation newspaper .
21 The best case in point , of course , is the quadrupling of funds at the National Cancer Institute following Richard Nixon 's declaration of the ‘ war on cancer ’ .
22 The prosecuting officer , Lt Cmdr Nick Hawkins , said the two accused had been charged after an extensive investigation into drug abuse by a number of ratings at the naval training ship of HMS Collingwood at Fareham last May .
23 Torrance said : ‘ I have finished 12th and 13th in my last two tournaments and I would have done better in Valencia if I had not driven out of bounds at the last hole .
24 Trouble yeah , trouble I got put off for a fortnight , on the dole , then he , I was on the dole for a week and er he cos at that time you had to appear in front of the erm , what they call the Court of Referees at the Labour Exchange , that was their Committee .
25 Forth Estuary Towage Limited was established to undertake all the Authority 's towage activities including the handling of vessels at the new Braefoot Bay Terminals due to come into operation in 1984 .
26 Society has changed since the days of the cart and horse , or since men with red flags walked in front of cars at the same speed as the Orange Walk .
27 That it was made by a ‘ beginner ’ is a statement of the quality of entries at the National Marquetry Exhibition .
28 • Estimates of the number of journalists at the S-class release varied between 600 to 700 .
29 You er , ma , it balances out the er , benefits from like the whole of the term and it 's not necessarily , like a with profits system , you get a lot of bonuses at the very end .
30 Here again , both the size of larger holdings and the number of cottagers at the bottom end of the social scale increased as the Stuart era progressed .
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