Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A dull thud of hooves resounded through the valley as the horses checked pace and descended from the pasture on to the tree-shadowed bridleway that slants down the hillside to the ford at its base .
2 Then hundreds of hooves crashed through the ford , spattering water bright into the mist .
3 Just under 70% of authorities participated in the survey and nearly 400 data sheets were completed ( see Appendix 1 for sample details ) .
4 A fairly dispassionate analysis by Best ( 1980 ) indicates that the initiation of area bombing of cities resulted from the rejection of strategic in favour of indiscriminate bombing by those in charge of British Bomber Command , and the acceptance of their arguments by Churchill in August 1940 , when the Luftwaffe 's attacks on British airfields in the Battle of Britain was threatening to damage irretrievably the RAF 's powers of retaliation ( Best , 1980 , p. 276 ) .
5 Until the opening of the Swan Theatre in 1965 , the Worcester Society of Artists went under the name of The Society for the Advancement of Music and the Visual Arts , founded in 1947 .
6 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
7 Clouds shadowed densely those south-eastern parts , but the north and west were broadly lit by the sun , the higher hills gleamed in sunshine , and a flock of birds flew across the expanse of blue sky above Big Allen .
8 Lauterpacht concludes that the subsequent Resolution of the Assembly shows that the Assembly accepted the Court 's opinion , although a diversity of views persisted on the nature of the effect of the election .
9 A lot of prisoners slept on the floor because there were no beds or chairs .
10 A stream of other relatives followed , and from the shadows they watched the old man touch each of the tall red candles surrounding the portrait with a lighted taper ; when four tiny buds of flames bloomed above the altar he sank to his knees and pressed his palms together .
11 Halfway through their feeding by the two adult bluetits , a pair of blackbirds appeared on the scene … and began to provide second helpings to every meal !
12 Sons of louts grappled with the coffin in vain ; they could neither cram it in nor twist it out .
13 He had hardly finished his remark when there was a terrifying roar overhead as a salvo of shells crashed into the area near to where the Germans had been mortaring .
14 Strong public pressure opposed to the scheme and lack of funds led to the decision .
15 The fertile play of dialogue in these novels , often predominating on the printed page , is a constant stream of signals flashed to the reader to help him estimate the age , the mood , and the standing — real or pretended — of their characters from instant to instant .
16 It was only a moment or two before a couple of cars came up the hill and screeched into the side of the road .
17 A special vote of thanks went to the organiser , Graham Davies .
18 A couple of silhouettes emerged from the glare of light .
19 However , the possibility that hydrogen atoms could undergo fusion reactions and produce large amounts of neutrons led to the work being classified in 1951 .
20 There had been no buying or selling at Seamer for very many years , but in 1987 hundreds of gypsies arrived with the intention of reviving the horse trading which used to take place .
21 I am particularly pleased to report a major increase in the numbers of NVQs certificated by the Board .
22 A number of youngsters fainted in the crush and had to be treated by St John Ambulance volunteers .
23 In the kitchen the meat sizzled in the oven and a big pan of potatoes stood on the hob .
24 Oil-spill experts from a number of countries flew into the area to assist with cleaning-up operations , which were largely limited to defending the intakes of desalination plants with the use of booms and " skimmer " vessels ; the slick was seen as too large for practical use of chemical dispersants , which might in any case damage marine life , and the best hope for its dispersal lay in a combination of the natural processes of evaporation and breakdown by marine bacteria .
25 A British Army team of instructors arrived in the country in early April to begin training officer cadets and junior officers .
26 Three pairs of footsteps clattered on the pavement , out of step , like three clocks .
27 The sound of footsteps receded into the fog .
28 Thousands of companies went to the wall .
29 The earliest studies on variation in shell shape and colour patterns of gastropods tended to the conclusion that environmental differences were more important than genetic ones ( Underwood , 1979 ) .
30 Many hundreds of rebels swarmed across the roof of a rose-red plate-district , heading for a tree of administrative towers .
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