Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [coord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 MCD spectra provide information about the degeneracy of states and help with the assignment of electronic spectra .
2 The cube dependence is not a precise match with the 3.4 exponent obtained from viscosity measurements of long chains , but it is acceptable , particularly as the model gives a satisfactory picture of how a polymer chain can overcome the restraining influence of entanglements and move within the matrix .
3 In essence , it proposes the introduction of a system of checks and balances into the boardrooms of UK listed companies , to be administered by non-executive directors according to a prescribed code of best practice and to be given force by public disclosure of compliance .
4 These votes came after a long and stormy debate ; some deputies warned of the dangers of dictatorship because the proposed new presidency lacked an adequate system of checks and balances by the legislature , and argued that a switch to presidential rule was premature .
5 The two main candidates had been Khasbulatov , nominated by the Democratic Russia group , and Sergei Baburin , nominated by the centrist Rossiya group of deputies and supported by the Communists of Russia group .
6 Children have to learn that it is easier to start at one end of a line of objects and finish at the other .
7 The participants represented a wide variety of views and tended on the whole to disapprove of state-imposed censorship .
8 ACE genotype ( DD more frequent in cases than in controls ) : Population ( different relative frequency of cases and controls in the 4 populations ) : Heterogeneity of ACE genotype effect across populations :
9 Mr Launders is pleased with the responsible reaction of shareholders and press to the valuation .
10 The devaluation was intended to assist a revival of exports and came after the announcement of October 's trade figures , the worst since January 1987 .
11 Next morning , Sunday 13 November 1715 , General Carpenter reached Preston with three regiments of dragoons and blocked off the rebels ' only escape route , towards Liverpool .
12 Briefly , these factors are : the total population of the area and the number of registered library members ; trends in book publishing — i.e. the number of new books published per annum , broken down by subjects ; the length of life of stock on the open shelves ( depreciation rate ) ; the risen costs of books and binding on the previous year 's fund ; and the range and condition of the existing stock .
13 The fire had been started in a pile of books and spread through the assembly hall and classrooms .
14 Tallis mounted Swimmer of Lakes and returned to the south , kicking the horse , challenging it , urging it to run faster through the night , back towards the swirling zones of seasons .
15 The boys play the role of husbands and behave in the same way as they see their fathers do in their respective homesteads .
16 There are indeed some paradoxical pains — that is , pain that is aggravated by the use of analgesics or relieved by the use of antalgesics .
17 Take himself off to Yzordderrex and set up business with Peccable ; marry Hoi-Polloi despite her crossed eyes ; have a litter of kids and retire to the Hills of the Conscious Cloud , in the Third , and raise parrots .
18 In retrospect , for instance , he thought that Suite had choreography rather like Balanchine 's in the phrasing of sequences and repeats to the music , and in the lines , which were not straight like a corps de ballet of swans or sylphides but went off suddenly at an angle .
19 And anyway , why would the Cathedral jackdaws suddenly break the habit of centuries and come to the south side when their haunt had always been on the north ?
20 Moldovan President Mircea Snegur imposed a state of emergency and direct presidential rule on March 28 , and called on the population to prepare to fight for the " motherland " , following a month of skirmishes and fighting in the self-proclaimed Dnestr republic [ for formation in September 1990 see p. 37723 ] .
21 The river was high and sparkling , piling light debris of branches and leaves against the piers of its four stone arches ; and beyond , the walls of the town rose , and the tunnel of the open gate .
22 As a fellow Chairman of these Tribunals I find myself in general agreement with him , although is until some way is found to eliminate obviously frivolous appeals from the Local Appeal Tribunal 's decisions I doubt the practicality of having appeals to a Tribunal of Commissioners and blanch at the thought of their Lordships of the Court of Session 's comments if asked to deal with some of the material placed before a single Commissioner at present .
23 Shortly after the official opening ceremony a collection of no less than 11 Norseman floatplanes that had gathered at Red Lake , started-up , taxied around Howey Bay , took-off ( a tremendous effect as the sound of 11 Pratt and Whitney R–134s revving at full power reverberated around the bay ) and performed a series of fly-bys and overshoots over the bay in salute of CF–DRD and the weekend events .
24 They swarmed on board with the agility of rats and leapt for the defenders .
25 The village is in a beautiful situation , and attracts great numbers of visitors and sightseers during the summer when Sledmere House and grounds are open .
26 He swam up and away from the tangle of lines and disappeared on the other side of the iceberg .
27 You cross a series of bridges and get into the swampy meadowland known as Arthog Bog .
28 It stands in gardens landscaped over a period of two years ( which were designed to ensure an array of colours and scents throughout the year ) , and woodlands resplendent with over one hundred species of trees and shrubs , the home of owls , badgers , green woodpeckers , pheasants and foxes .
29 They contribute to the enrichment of the quality of life of individuals and contribute to the general economic development of society .
30 With a swiftness prompted by desperation she weaved a path through the crowds of guests and plunged into the relative quiet of the old house .
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