Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [adv] [subord] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time , money purchase schemes have been allowed to contract out ( i.e. pension schemes that depend on the outcome of investments rather than a formula based on contributions ) .
2 So far we have tried to impress on you the importance of having one set of notes rather than a mass of different notebooks or scraps of paper .
3 Travelling at over 100,000 mph — dozens of times faster than a rifle bullet — it would vapourise on impact , excavating a vast crater hundreds of miles across and filling the atmosphere with scalding steam and rock vapour .
4 Asquith 's 1915 government was only halfway to coalition ; it was in fact a coalition of parties rather than a coalition of men , and it was run so as to maximize continuity .
5 Some scientists — and we should add hastily that they are in a small minority — feel that this is mincing words : they feel that by ‘ forever ’ we should mean an infinite number of billions of years rather than a period whose duration can be estimated .
6 You no doubt heard about the raid on a Venezuelan freighter outside Amsterdam a couple of years ago when a gang impersonating the harbour police impounded over a million pounds worth of acapulco gold ? ’
7 However , union fees are almost invariably set as a constant amount of earnings rather than a proportion .
8 The fact that R&D-intensive companies in some sectors may not perceive their market rating as appropriate to their future profitability is ‘ a symptom of a communication problem ’ ( pharmaceutical/health care company ) ; an inappropriate market rating is due to a ‘ failure of communications rather than a failure in accounting ’ ( metals and mining sector company ) .
9 The same was true of James Joule 's experiment in which water was warmed quantitatively by stirring it in special apparatus : a definite quantity of mechanical force in the clockwork produced a definite quantity of heat-but the context of this was argument about the nature of heat , and Joule seemed to have proved that it was motion of particles rather than a substance .
10 They have written that ‘ It is well known that the great Soviet pedagogue , A. S. Makarenko , succeeded in forming a genuine Soviet collective of charges only after a Komsomol organization was established in his colony . ’
11 Usually a proposal will be composed of a number of variants rather than a single ‘ take-it-or-leave-it ’ proposition .
12 According to Ewan and Neil , workplace problems tend to be in the minds of others rather than a reality .
13 Alfred Molina 's Shannon comes over as an assemblage of mannerisms rather than a man whose behaviour arises from dissipation and anguish ; Frances Barber is too young , too wiry and too busy for the over-ripe Maxine ; Robin Bailey , though he believably slips in and out of awareness , is too sturdy for the ancient poet , and he sounds and gestures just like colonel Hall on Sergeant Bilko .
14 Did you not find that er the work them became very sort of com compartmentalized if you like , very specific people were doing bits of jobs rather than a feeling that you were all part of a much larger thing ?
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