Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] ' [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 For some years the growing number of bank collapses had been putting pressure on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) , the government body which guaranteed the safety of private savers ' deposits in most , but not all , of the federally approved banks .
2 Although belated , the gesture will win Mr Kaifu kudos in Washington , and guarantee a warm welcome for him at the London summit of rich countries ' leaders in July .
3 The columns displaying prices of licensed dealers ' stocks in the national newspapers did not always appear to be the paid advertising they actually were .
4 The same is true of the effects of social services ' intervention in the lives of families .
5 The pagination Table ( 6.4 ) gives a rough indication of national dailies ' increase in size ( new type faces and better ink eventually meant more words per page ) .
6 At the International Association of Culinary Professionals ' conference in the US , Henrietta Green was given a Julia Child Cookbook Award for A Glorious Harvest ( Sedgwood Press ) .
7 It is only through feminist psychology 's attention to work like Ladner 's Afrocentric sociology , that it comes to consider specific features of black girls ' socialization in their families and communities ( Williams 1979 ) .
8 And a lot of psychological research is devoted , as it has been since the 1950s , to disproving unfounded suppositions of black subjects ' inferiority in these areas .
9 But when you come to something that says one or more closures of elderly persons ' homes in the east of the county , I do n't think it 's quite fair for people saying we have a right to be told on that , but that it 's insufficiently explicit for them to , to respond to consultation , and to bring their particularly cases forward .
10 Analysis of Prime Ministers ' involvement in parliamentary debates shows that in the course of an average year they will participate in six debates and make six statements on policy , usually on the economy , foreign affairs , and government business .
11 Most people who made the pilgrimage found it well worth their while , not only for the quality of the music-making but also for a quality of staging and design that pointedly bypassed the often musically ruinous fads of post-war directors ' opera in order to re-establish contact with an older and still valid tradition that goes back , with a passing glance at the work of Wieland Wagner , through Gründgens and Reinhardt to Roller and Mahler and , in some respects , Wagner himself .
12 Investment in upgrading the production process is driving a reorganisation of United Distillers ' operations in Scotland , with more than 100 million capital investment planned over the next three years .
13 She left her girls ' boarding school ( St Mary 's , Calne ) without any notion of saving the planet , and did a number of well-bred girls ' things in London and Paris — Harrods ' toy department , a cordon bleu course , door-to-door sales , modelling — before starting what she regards as her first proper job , in an advertising agency 's information department .
14 One obvious way of increasing bankers ' deposits in relation to other assets would be to recall some of the overnight lending to the London discount market .
15 Rather , by producing individual or social accounts of disabled individuals ' pathology in society , any economic disadvantage is presented as a byproduct of incapacity or of prejudice .
16 As a method of developing pupils ' skills in speaking and listening , drama is as important within secondary school learning as it is at primary level .
17 Thus there is substantial evidence of general practitioners ' participation in the medical and social care of their patients , especially elderly patients .
18 Editor , — We are concerned that Robin Russell Jones should hold such a poor view of general practitioners ' accuracy in making dermatological diagnoses and is so opposed to community clinics .
19 His contract is up at the end of the season , and there will be the traditional periodic reports of other clubs ' interest in him .
20 Second , this situation was unlikely to reverse itself because of institutional investors ' faith in the Big Six .
21 The details of public-sector funds ' investment in the stockmarket are kept murky , the better to make folk think the market is on the mend .
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