Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] ' [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Part of the burden was thereby eventually eliminated as the prices of advanced countries ' exports to the primary producers rose — reducing the deterioration in the terms of trade .
2 A by-product of Labour leaders ' responsiveness to the new thinking may be that the party relieves itself of some commitments which have been electoral liabilities in the past .
3 For some years the growing number of bank collapses had been putting pressure on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) , the government body which guaranteed the safety of private savers ' deposits in most , but not all , of the federally approved banks .
4 This tension surfaced in particularly acute form on the morrow of the first proletarian revolution as the Bolsheviks attempted to construct a system of coordinated workers ' control over industry in face of the proliferation of relatively independent factory committees .
5 Part of the evidence here comes from genetic analyses ( e.g. twin comparisons ) of normal subjects ' performance on ‘ creativity ’ tests .
6 FRED 3 proposes that an analysis of total shareholders ' funds between amounts attributable to equity and non-equity interest be disclosed on the face of the balance sheet .
7 To get an approximate feel for the size of the loss , in 1985 according to the National Income and Expenditure " Blue Book " , £4046 million was spent on gas , out of total consumers ' expenditure of £213,208 million .
8 Although belated , the gesture will win Mr Kaifu kudos in Washington , and guarantee a warm welcome for him at the London summit of rich countries ' leaders in July .
9 On Nov. 4 , the 13th anniversary of Iranian revolutionaries ' takeover of the US embassy in Tehran [ see p. 30150 ] , the authorities announced the arrest of a US resident , Milton Meier , a travel agent , who was said to have confessed to spying .
10 During the Depression years mothers often called at the better-off houses in the neighbourhood to try and find places for their daughters and one woman recalled employing a succession of unemployed miners ' daughters to whom she paid 5/ a week .
11 It cites 33 examples of un-named organisations ' policies by industry group and size of company .
12 Teacher and pupil in interaction ( awareness of different professionals ' reactions to particular difficulties and behaviour patterns ; their potential effect on pupils )
13 There is no requirement for the Director of Public Prosecutions ' consent for section 51 .
14 This joint initiative did not preclude individual mediation efforts by GCC member states : in 1985 Saudi Arabia promoted an exchange of foreign ministers ' visits with Iran and made other efforts to overcome the estrangement between the two countries resulting from the Eagle-Phantom air battle and Iran 's resentment of Saudi and other GCC support for Iraq .
15 The columns displaying prices of licensed dealers ' stocks in the national newspapers did not always appear to be the paid advertising they actually were .
16 Also omitted are assessments or even mention of the studies of cultural evolution made since Richard Dawkins 's discussion of the memo , the scathing attacks by Richard Lewontin of the scientific method used in sociobiology , and of social scientists ' reactions to Wilson 's claims .
17 The same is true of the effects of social services ' intervention in the lives of families .
18 These problems of prediction related to the definitional fallacy and the statistical fallacy are very evident in the Beckford Report , which was so critical of social workers ' lack of knowledge and use of predictive research .
19 Improved bus services with co-ordinated timetables were widely suggested in the 1976 Green Paper on Transport Policy and in the response of British Railways ' Board to this , Opportunity for Change .
20 Under the Institution of Civil Engineers ' Conditions of Contract ( fifth edition ) , retention money is repaid to a contractor in two stages , the first within 14 days after the certificate of completion has been issued , the remainder within 14 days after the end of the period of maintenance .
21 A survey of coverage of present research , and of individual researchers ' priorities for future research ;
22 This is followed by some general remarks about the history and philosophy of imprisonment in India , and a summary of previous writers ' conclusions about gaol conditions .
23 Cobalt blue is a pure blue , lacking the greenish undertone of previous artists ' blues like azurite , Prussian blue and indigo and it is far less expensive than the natural ultramarine , extracted from lapis lazuli , used by artists in earlier centuries .
24 And though the Tory woman 's hat is a high art form now decayed and lost , as is that of the elegant crossing of Tory wives ' legs on a platform far above , and though the party has become more catholic in the women it attracts , there is a still a discernible type of Tory woman .
25 The pagination Table ( 6.4 ) gives a rough indication of national dailies ' increase in size ( new type faces and better ink eventually meant more words per page ) .
26 At the International Association of Culinary Professionals ' conference in the US , Henrietta Green was given a Julia Child Cookbook Award for A Glorious Harvest ( Sedgwood Press ) .
27 The parallel with developments in the documentation of casual workers ' conditions of engagement [ see Chapter 6 ] are to be noted .
28 The litigation has starkly exposed the defects in the regulation of international organisations ' relations with third parties , and the lack of judicial remedy within domestic courts .
29 It is only through feminist psychology 's attention to work like Ladner 's Afrocentric sociology , that it comes to consider specific features of black girls ' socialization in their families and communities ( Williams 1979 ) .
30 The outstanding feature of black parents ' relationship with their children 's sport is that it does not exist .
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