Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 The pre-eminent virtue attached to jade contributed in a variety of ways to the smooth working of the kind of hierarchical society reflected in the works of Confucius ( 551–479 B.C. ) .
2 Mercosur Foreign Ministers attended a two-day meeting with their European Community ( EC ) counterparts in Guimaraes , Portugal , in early May , during which they complained about EC protectionism and agricultural subsidies ; the EC repeated its offer of technical help to assist in the regional integration of the Mercosur countries [ see p. 38910 for May meeting of the Group of Rio and the EC ] .
3 Attention will be paid to the choices made by firms concerning which products to develop , in which market segments to compete , with which customers to collaborate and which sources of technical know-how to utilise in the search for competitive advantage .
4 There is a major concern with the specifics of ministerial formation , but this is set within the department 's broader interests and is treated in a soundly academic fashion as in the other forms of professional preparation offered in the University .
5 Lysosomal stability was then assessed by determination of : ( a ) Latency — that is , the per cent increase in lysosomal enzyme activity after addition of Triton X-100 and ( b ) Supernatant activity — that is , the proportion of lysosomal enzyme remaining in the supernatant after resedimentation of lysosomes .
6 A touch of regional pride appeared in the expectation that the New Jerusalem , of which the Apocalypse of John had spoken , would descend to earth on a hill in their own Phrygia .
7 In summary , then , as fig. 8.1 shows , many of the issues raised by this review of geographic information handling in the four potential application fields are essentially complementary to those discussed in the part on methodological developments .
8 As the pace of economic exploitation quickened in the nineteenth century the forests were depleted , the ravages of the woodmen being supplemented by the destructive habits of the goats kept by the peasants .
9 Public ownership was perceived as a means whereby the state elites could direct the Francoist strategy of economic autarchy launched in the 1940s , which in turn owed much to concerns with national security .
10 After distinguished service in World War II , first as an ambulance driver , then in R.A.F. Intelligence , Cooper embarked on a career as one of the art world 's most persistent gadflies , finding his pulpit in the form of unsigned book reviews in the Times Literary Supplement .
11 Furthermore the particular type of cellular bone found in the same deposits as Eriptychius suggests that cephalaspids ( osteostracans ) may be equally as old as heterostracans .
12 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
13 From Hobbes , whose Leviathan he describes as ‘ the greatest … masterpiece of political philosophy written in the English language ’ , he inherits the authoritarian aspects of his theory , the outlines of his distinction between state and society , and the rejection of the view that civil association must derive its authority from the inherent justice of some ‘ higher ’ law or a set of fundamental values .
14 Inequality in wealth and economic power , in other words , is a form of political inequality , which contradicts the principle of political equality expressed in the slogan " one person one vote " .
15 Highly explosive eruptions of gas-charged magma originating in the upper mantle produce small , shallow craters called maars .
16 American troops were moved to occupy the strategically important bases of Greenland and Iceland , and a state of undeclared war existed in the Atlantic .
17 Research carried out by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine suggests that various species of malarial mosquito thrive in the wake of forests being opened up .
18 The process of schematic integration which occurs in discourse interpretation thus involves not only the relation of ideas expressed within the discourse , but also the relation of specific information contained in the discourse to the pre-existing knowledge of the discourse topic which the listener or reader has .
19 For him the value of representative democracy resides in the fact that it makes possible the selection of effective political leaders , as well as providing a training for them .
20 This mighty High Mage bound the fearsome dragons to his will , using harnesses of enchanted truesteel smelted in the fiery heart of Vaul 's Anvil .
21 It is possible to see the development of Minoan civilization encapsulated in the developments of the urban centres , and the administrative control of the whole territory 's economy was central tot hat urban development .
22 ( Had this kind of European provision existed in the 1920s and 1930s it might and probably would have made it much more difficult for the Fascist and other extreme forms of government to take hold . )
23 The tidal wave of Dancing Brave 's progress up the Longchamp straight to win the 1986 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe provided the greatest moment of European Flat racing in the 1980s .
24 But how can traditional forms of Alpine life survive in the face of the rich pickings and bulldozings of tourism ?
25 In 32 healthy subjects without symptoms median net oesophageal bicarbonate outpur was 416 µmol/hour/10 cm with contaminating saliva and refluxed gastric fluid contributing 25% and 2.5% of total bicarbonate measured in the oesophageal segment by the pH/pCO 2 method .
26 This presentation allows the hint of primitive ritual to remain in the background , just as later Eliot was to imply with deliberate provocation that behind the High Mass lay , if one went back far enough , ‘ the Australian ceremonies described by Spencer and Gillen and Hewett [ sic ] ’ .
27 Launched in the Autumn of 1991 in the United States , Marquis is now believed to be the sixth most popular line of premium crystal sold in the U.S. during 1992 — one of the most successful launches ever of a new crystal brand in that country .
28 However , 1792 did not establish for all time antislavery as a movement of popular mobilisation demonstrated in the use of general public meetings .
29 Rituals of transgression , sensationalist violation and titillating naughtiness became the stock-in-trade of popular news reporting in the late nineteenth century .
30 Incidentally , much of the success of direct mail lies in the fact that , apart from bills , most of the population get no mail at all and people are delighted to get a letter that expresses interest in them , concern about them and opens the door for further contact and involvement .
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