Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 A number of Labour authorities did the same , believing it could help them plan service development more effectively .
2 Perhaps because of disincentives built into the Supplementary Benefit system , the ‘ zero-earner couple ’ category is bigger than one would expect if the wives of unemployed men had the same economic activity rates as the wives of employed men ( see Rimmer , 1987 , p. 44 for a discussion of this phenomenon ) .
3 Whereas the time taken for a computer working randomly but with the constraint of cumulative selection to perform the same task is of the same order as humans ordinarily can understand , between 11 seconds and the time it takes to have lunch .
4 Can I reiterate what he he actually said in a meeting with Calum er Carole Degucht er last year er he said I do y the honourable , my honourable friend said I do not see that uniformity means adopting a system of proportional representation and I 've yet to see a good case as to the merits of different states adopting the same procedure .
5 Such communities may tolerate a wide range of different forms to express the same item .
6 The centre ground of British politics remained the same uncertain terrain it had been ever since 1918 .
7 While for many people religious faith provides a spiritual backdrop to their lives , for others simply feeling a part of the continuity of human society provides the same spiritual dimension .
8 The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology used the same parishes for a parallel study of vegetation change .
9 Evidence for 1989 found that just 7% of married women earned the same as or more than their husbands ( Women and Employment : a lifetime perspective OPCS/HMSO 1984 ) .
10 Magnum/Mayall/Nelson 's ( 1985 ) study of American employers ' use of temporary workers used the same " on-off " break in conducting its analysis .
11 A hairdressing business and a manufacturer of armoured tanks have the same profit objective , but radically different objects .
12 Personal selling involves the use of face-to-face exchanges to achieve the same ends of attracting attention and achieving sales .
13 In the event , the actual redistribution of 1918 came as something of a disappointment , for although there was redistribution within Ireland , the overall number of Irish seats remained the same , and there was only a small increase in the number of English seats .
14 It used to be common for agreements for the supply of crude oil to do the same , but these have gone out of fashion in recent years with the volatility of oil prices : they may reappear if the oil price settles down .
15 NBT audiences are ‘ not content to look at rows and rows of identical girls doing the same thing , ’ he maintains .
16 Similarly , in relation to a whole range of competitors , studies of particular industries tell the same story : Britain 's labour costs per hour were low but when these are translated into labour costs per unit of output the reverse is the case [ Kravis , 1976 ; Pratten , 1976 b ; Ray , 1976 ] .
17 For the teachers who have to cater for all kinds of pupils this concentration on a particular kind of pupil and a particular kind of educational success poses the same dilemma voiced by the rural studies teacher in response to the promotion of academic examinations in his subject ; ‘ Once again we can see the unwanted children of lower intelligence being made servants of the juggernaut of documented evidence , the inflated examination . ’
18 The stream of expected earnings is discounted in precisely the same way as the stream of expected dividends using the same discount rate ( because the discount rate applies to the risk class of the activities of the entire firm ) .
19 Not only the birds , the streams , the flicker of a hare , a fox , but the vaulting noises of the woodsmen , the steady dunk of an axe , the feeling of invisible beings inhabiting the same spread city of trees .
20 The addition of other vendors using the same process would help applications portability between different architectures , said Mace , and generally increase the quality of software .
21 In the absence of other voices making the same moral argument sufficiently loudly , we should perhaps be grateful to hear it from the very heart of the establishment .
22 The need for uniformity is greatest where there are a number of parallel tribunals deciding the same Point .
23 Lamarck 's theory of the gradual transformation of species had threatened this image , much to Cuvier 's annoyance , and Geoffroy 's very different approach to the significance of structural resemblances reopened the same debate .
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