Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In front of it was the kitchen garden , which was the only part of the grounds to be kept in order , for Adam Diggory , although he grumbled at the necessity , was obliged to tend it as it provided most of the vegetable produce for the household table .
2 A political statement released by the PNC at the end of the session called for an international conference on the Middle East , under UN supervision , to be convened on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 ( 1967 — see pp. 22473 ; 25029 ; 34898 ) and 338 ( 1973 — see p. 26197 ) , and the guaranteeing of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people , of which the most important was " the right to self-determination " .
3 Why , for example , do we go on eating so much , in spite of our evident discomfort when confronted with intimations of the suffering involved for the creatures consumed ?
4 The structure of the curriculum proposed for the primary phase is similar to that set out in earlier documentation but includes the following additional components :
5 After the war , many of the type served for a brief period with RCN reservist units until they were all struck off charge in 1947 .
6 The great difficulty is that it is impossible in many cases to determine whether erosion of the type required for the production of the landforms continues , as the period of observation available to any one person is too short .
7 Bending angles of the magnitude seen for the POU proteins have been determined for lambda cI ( 46° ) and Cro ( 30° ) repressors binding to the O R 1 operator using 8% gels ( 62 ) , the Xenopus estrogen receptor ( 34° ; 69 ) and from the crystal structure of a Cro-operator complex ( 40° ) ( 70 ) .
8 And your knowledge and understanding of the child counts for a lot .
9 In the context of the operating theatre , the indexical use of the sign allows for the identification of a particular scalpel , and for the recognition that the surgeon is giving an order .
10 On Friday 22 March , John Carroll of the ITGWU called for a sworn public inquiry into the possible health hazards of the Raybestos factory , though also saying Raybestos must be allowed to go ahead .
11 The foot bar is 8 inches from the tip of the blade to allow for a narrow deep hole to be dug .
12 Such paranoia probably derives from an unconscious recognition that in such a collaborative medium , the director as sole auteur is an artificial concept , a labelling convenience , the confection of French theorists : and , who knows , the hand that slips from behind the shadow of the throne to reach for the director 's crown most likely belongs to he who first dreamed the kingdom .
13 ‘ It 's a bomb , ’ I thought , as I braced myself against the walls of the trench waiting for the inevitable explosion .
14 The non-parties were able to mobilise and use the institutional platform of the United Nations ; the passing of General Assembly Resolution 38/77 calling for the Secretary-General to prepare a comprehensive factual study of Antarctica authorised a third party investigation into the regime ; there were a number of third parties making similar claims rather than a single , isolated State ; they placed the issue on the agenda of other international institutions ; Article 12 ( 2 ) of the Treaty provides for a Conference thirty years after its entry into force ; and the acceptance of the common heritage concept in other contexts gave legitimacy to third party claims .
15 The Lords of the Congregation could rightly assert the duty and responsibility of the nobility to act for the good of the commonweal , and indeed experience of minorities over two centuries had in practice underwritten the theoretical position to an unusual extent .
16 The Legal Services Committee continued in 1992 where it left off in 1991 and in January 1992 representatives of the committee appeared for the third time before the Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct .
17 Fortunately , Settis is known to be a good friend of the Museum 's director John Walsh , and is a member of the committee planning for the future of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu after the new museum opens at the Getty Center in west Los Angeles .
18 The Sheikh had crossed them by camel as a boy ; then as a young man with a wife and small children , including the boy at my side , he had camped overnight on one side of the range waiting for the engines of his jeeps to cool before grinding inch by inch , around and over .
19 The reintroduction of stamp duty in August , which is the equivalent of 20% of the deposit required for a 95% mortgage , has only served to aggravate the problem .
20 He watched her as he passed the section of the hall reserved for the sick , the wounded , and the dying .
21 Appalled by mounting losses , the Fabius government of the day called for a change of course : ministers were to keep hands off state industries were not to be cushions against unemployment , and profit would be the test of performance .
22 We returned to our chamber and spent the rest of the day preparing for the banquet or listening to Doctor Agrippa .
23 For the provision of an overview of the work conducted for the ESRC 's ‘ Public Acceptance of New Technology Programme ’
24 Much of the work outlined for the new chief executive overlaps with his own duties .
25 On the locomotive side an ‘ in depth ’ examination is currently taking place on No. 6 ‘ Douglas ’ to determine the full extent of the work required for a major overhaul in connection with the provision of a new boiler .
26 10.1 The Proprietor shall receive on publication six copies of all components of the Work and one copy of any revised or corrected impression all free of charge and shall be entitled to purchase at two-thirds of the United Kingdom published price any further copies of the Work required for the Proprietor 's personal use and not for resale .
27 10.1 The Company shall receive on publication six copies of the printed Work and six copies of the video Work ( in the format and standard of the Company 's choice ) and one copy of any revised or corrected impression all free of charge and shall be entitled to purchase at two-thirds of the United Kingdom published price any further copies of the Work required for the Authors ' personal use and not for resale .
28 I enjoy the magazine but would prefer to see more of the subscription used for the work of the Institution .
29 Section 22 of the Act provided for the establishment of marine mammal sanctuaries .
30 However , serum triglyceride levels did not prove to be a significant factor for coronary heart disease in this multivariate analysis and this is probably because of the correction made for the inverse relationship between triglycerides and HDL .
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