Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter describes the various roles that the Bank takes on , and puts them in the context of the overall powers that it enjoys , particularly in relation to the supervisory activities carried out and the possibility of the emergence of a European Central Bank .
2 Because of the strange happenings since she had arrived , Jenna had almost forgotten her original reason for this trip .
3 Moreover , what this episode testifies to is a resurgence of the power of the southern Saxons as they sought to further their own ascendancy in the south-east , the foundation of which had been laid by Wulfhere , and it seems likely that Eadric was established as king in Kent as a southern Saxon satellite .
4 The lords compelled the peasants to hand over a considerable portion of the agricultural goods that they produced as tenant farmers on small strips of land , and also to perform customary services directly for the benefit of the lord .
5 But the practical necessities of treating patients remained , so the majority of physicians continued to use as many of the available remedies as they thought necessary , relying on their personal experience , the opinions of colleagues , and the reports of such trials as they had time to study .
6 I should n't criticise it as everyone else does , because without the M25 , it would be impossible to get to all of the six clubs that we have built , strung out like pearls , ( or glass beads , my critics would tell you ) around its perimeter .
7 Even if the court agreed with the earlier ruling it would have refused to allow five of the six appeals because they were brought outside legal time limits .
8 It 's an age when we feel but do n't think yet , but you did n't seem to have learnt a thing about either yourself or Jones in the whole of the six years since I saw you last . ’
9 From his position as Chancellor , Law could exercise sufficient influence on the domestic management of the war to avoid further problems , and as Leader of the House of Commons and de facto deputy Prime Minister he could also deal with most of the political problems as they arose .
10 And , if you treat this toxin with something like formaldehyde or ethanol , you end up by inactivating it 's toxic properties and you end up with what , what we call a toxoid , something that retains immunological properties , it 's able to stimulate specific immunity to the toxin but it does n't have any of the toxic effects and we end up with this toxoid vaccine against diphtheria .
11 Tending the hearth can remind a woman of the sacred mysteries that she serves , and can , in effect , turn a housewife into a priestess .
12 He certainly held deep convictions as to the absolute wrongness of the Liberal policies that he opposed , but at least a part of his apparent hostility was assumed for the occasion , a hard line that might secure a better compromise in the end .
13 Er thank you Chairman erm th that is one of the Liberal resolutions that we can get it is important at the sorry to give evidence of the alternative viewpoint and , and that is the case in , in opposing er for those who are opposing that er terminal five .
14 Now one of the major issues that we 're concerned about of course is the overtime erm which is , if you review the last three months of the overtime which we did the other day , erm we obviously , we spent the annual budget erm allowance .
15 Considerably more detail is given in Chapter 7 , and only an outline of the major points as they contribute to understanding of this approach to soil erosion appears here .
16 One of the early steps that I and my colleagues took was to encourage the removal of intermediate layers , and to try to apply the theory of ‘ added value ’ to hierarchical organization .
17 The Silver Sabre has restored my confidence and I consider it to be one of the best machines that I have used .
18 Erm but Jan is one of the best organizers that I know .
19 erm one of the best programmes that I participated in was a programme where yes , money was spent to get matter for bucks as it 's called .
20 And as you say it 's one of the best things that they want .
21 We 've picked some of the best utilities that we believe could still find a place on your hard disk , even once you 've got MS-DOS installed there .
22 What is significant , however , is that few of the grant-aided organisations that we came from still exist today .
23 Once you have shed your surplus weight you will be able to increase your food intake , and on a normal quota of calories it is n't at all difficult to increase your dietary fibre intake to 40g a day just by becoming aware of the fibre-rich foods as you will during the following weeks .
24 The Charter of the Forest had tried to stop this abuse by enacting in 1217 that the number of foresters necessary to keep the forests should be determined ‘ by the view and oath of the twelve regarders when they make the regard ’ — that is , every three years .
25 And I 'm sure that when we go down the road we can Although i we 're always ready to look at erm car drivers and some of the stupid things they do and some of the stupid things that they do which annoy us , at the end of the day w you 've still got to bear in mind that erm there are people in our own fraternity , as it were , that er do n't do as they should .
26 This time , the Third World has a lever of sorts in its willingness , or unwillingness , to co-operate , but one of limited value since co-operation in drawing up a climate convention is ultimately as much in the interests of the poor nations as it is in those of the rich .
27 Er I think er if the honourable gentleman checks the record he will find that my right honourable friend said that America did not have a national statutory minimum wage but I 'm most I 'm most grateful to the honourable gentleman for reminding us of the international comparisons because he will know that the country in Europe which has embraced his policy of a statutory minimum wage is Spain and Spain has twice the level of unemployment of the European average and twice the level in this country .
28 The air smelt faintly of incense and , of course , that strange smell of faded flowers which emanated from the figure dressed in black who squatted beside Wolsey : Doctor Agrippa , supreme practitioner of the black arts though he looked like a mummer 's version of Friar Tuck in some masque about Robin Hood .
29 It was one of the only places that you could get banjo strings to put on the top , because in the old days you could n't get thin guitar strings .
30 We shall draw the attention of the business community , especially small businesses , which are such an important part of the economy in my hon. Friend 's part of the world , to the policies being espoused by the Labour party and make some estimate — if the Labour party will not do so , we certainly will — of the real burdens that they would place on business and the devastating impact that they would have on self-employment and employment throughout the country .
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