Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The American revivalist hymn ‘ Amazing Grace ’ ( c. 1800 ) is an excellent example of the symmetries Maróthy ascribes to bourgeois song ( Maróthy 1974 ) .
2 For example , Figure 2.12 ( a " ) illustrates the extraction of the bottom four bits of a word for further processing .
3 In one of them , Dundee , advantage was most shrewdly taken of the fruit growing capabilities of local soil and climate when the Keillers set up their jam and marmalade manufactory in 1797 .
4 Going on again on the tenant farmers , I actually think that er we are very good landlords and I think our our our tenants would rather us keep us as landlords than the private sector , in actual fact we will have no doubt a debate quite soon on that issue when the government makes us sell off all areas of of er th our interests and that one , I will tell you this , I think that some of the members all sides of the fence every side of the fence , have been passionately behind the tenants , if if they 're gon na be sold off by now they 'd have been sold off , but I think it wo n't be far long before we have to take education first , social services first , the elderly before er your side with your government to come forward and say to us we do n't want you interfering with anything like that and being bold business , get rid of , but that 's another debate that will come up later on .
5 No longer were the backboned creatures of the sea lowly sifters of mud and strainers of water .
6 The sample is composed of the September 1982 entrants to reception classes in 33 ILEA infant schools in multi-racial areas .
7 This is the case for some of the North American Indians of the West Coast .
8 What the film lacks in political correctness the depiction of the North American natives of the time is , like Fenimore Cooper 's attitude , verging on the slanderous it more than makes up for in vitality .
9 Stroll along any traditional herbaceous border and you will feel the winds of the North American prairies with their heleniums , rudbeckias and michaelmas daisies ( prairies , by the way , that have now all but disappeared ) .
10 We have arranged a special offer with one of the UK leading manufacturers for their new RCD adaptor .
11 The winning owner of The Juddmonte International Stakes on August 18th will pocket £200,000 and there is £120,000 and £100,000 to be won in two other races .
12 No sign of the Cosworth four-valve heads for the turbocharged V8 , though — at least not yet .
13 We can not discover New oceans Unless we have courage To lose sight Of the shore These lines from André Gide are quoted in New Methods in RE : An Experiential Approach ( Hammond et al.
14 This new , specific ASEAN zone concept is also supported by Vietnam , Kampuchea and Laos , and the ‘ convergence of views ’ of the Southeast Asian states on this issue has inspired Soviet hopes that ‘ the existing positive process ’ in favour of the zone ‘ can be further developed ’ .
15 Thus for a bond issued on 1 January , 1990 , the base for indexing would be given by the level of the RPI in April , 1989 ; the uplift for capital value in January of each subsequent year would depend on the change in the RPI to April of the preceding year and all sums paid in interest would depend on the level of the RPI eight months before the payment date .
16 This occurred for a number of reasons : laparoscopy became a widely used diagnostic tool , with diagnosis no longer being restricted to patients with disease severe enough to warrant laparotomy , and gynaecologists became aware of the myriad visual appearances of endometriosis which represent evolution of the disease through visually distinct stages to the relatively inactive classic blue-black lesions .
17 These are just some of the myriad architectural variations on the theme of three which grace this eccentric creation .
18 In Chapter 1 we argued that conscious awareness , the images and representations that people use to communicate with each other and the various forms of deliberate planning and foresight which they use are all partly a result of the myriad social relationships in which they are caught up , and partly a product of deep-rooted instincts and emotions .
19 The result of the Oct. 3 elections to an expanded 503-member Chamber of Deputies raised doubts about the government 's initial confidence ( based on exit polls ) that it would commanded a majority in the congress [ see p. 37774 ] .
20 They proposed that a preparatory committee should start work in July , to prepare for " a summit meeting of the CSCE participating states before the end of this year " in Paris to " mark the starting point for a more advanced stage of the Helsinki process " [ see p. 37386 ] .
21 An off-duty policeman was forced to slam on his brakes as Sloane sped past , and watched in horror as the Seat veered onto the wrong side of the road 325 yards before the smash , the court heard .
22 It was calculated that in Prussia at the end of the century 1,700,000 men in a total population of 8,700,000 were completely exempt from military service ( 1,170,000 because of privileges possessed by most of the Prussian towns , 530,000 because of their social status or occupation ) .
23 The instructions given to the Dutch negotiators at the Munster peace congress which began its work in 1645 insisted on their being treated on the same footing as those of Venice ; and by the end of the century Dutch ambassadors in Paris were claiming royal honours .
24 ( At the end of the century Parliamentary Bills for a direct rail connection from Kington to Aberystwyth were prepared but the scheme fell through . )
25 Finally , a new 10Base-T hub card can be added to any of the RX 7000 models for integrated routing and hub facilities , also from April , at $2,000 .
26 Ex.7 shows that each episode of Didon is set in relief by virtue of its themes , and that Campra thought of the D minor movements as a pair .
27 Everton produced their only chance of the half 10 minutes before the break when Peter Beardsley hit a ferocious drove into keeper Kevin Hitchcock 's arms from 20 yards .
28 Mr claims that this is merely of local importance and at the end of the day twenty years from now or twenty five years from now whenever this the application is imp is implemented and and completed that it would be no more than a replica of er natural features within the Vale of York .
29 Something that effects even the time of the year all sorts of things .
30 For the first nine months of the year taxable profits at the group , whose brands range from Persil to Flora , were ahead 10% to £1,459m from £1,331m .
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