Example sentences of "of [noun prp] at [art] time of " in BNC.

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1 Many of those who stayed behind , especially the adherents of the Bogomil faith , accepted Islam , and their descendants form the nucleus of the Islamic community which embraced 37 per cent of the population of the republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina at the time of the 1981 census .
2 In a famous essay , H. J. Laski recorded that between 1832 and 1906 , out of 139 judges appointed , 80 were Members of the House of Commons at the time of their nomination and 11 others had been candidates for Parliament ; that , of the 80 , 63 were appointed by their own party while in office ; and 33 of them had been either Attorney-General or Solicitor-General .
3 It was the respondents ' task to investigate ‘ what was the true financial position of Atlantic at the time of its acquisition and , if it was different from the way it was represented , how and why the truth was concealed : ’ Hoffmann J. [ 1991 ] B.C.C. 651 , 661 .
4 Jeremiah was God 's messenger to the people of Israel at a time of great national distress .
5 It would appear , for example , that either the statement in the that Molla Kestelli was kadi of Istanbul at the time of the death of Molla Ala'al-Din Ali b .
6 Gregory makes this contemporary with the destruction of the Burgundian kingdom in 534 , but this is chronologically impossible , since Quintianus , who was bishop of Clermont at the time of the attack , died in c. 524 , and Theuderic seems to have died in 533 .
7 The fruits of performance are proprietary rights and choses in action assignable under statute even if the contract is personal ( Linden Gardens Trust Limited v Lenesta Sludge Disposals Ltd and St Martins Property Corporation Ltd and Another v Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons Ltd 57 BLR 57 , both cases have been joined and are being heard in an appeal to the House of Lords at the time of writing ) .
8 Tax rates vary from one country to another : a prime example being VAT , which in some parts of Europe at the time of writing is over 20 per cent on certain items .
9 The Kaszubes had not been interested in the fate of Poland at the time of the partitions , and had been reasonably well satisfied by early Prussian rule .
10 This was my first sight of Rosemary at the time of her engagement to Basil .
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