Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Henry of Colden returned from the Crusade to help Philip , and Richard I , Otto 's main supporter , died on 6 April 1199 .
2 The Elector Counts of Ostland live on the north eastern border of the Empire beyond which lie the wild and dangerous Troll Country and the Northern Wastes .
3 In the gathering dusk of Sunday 18 June 1815 the last act of the bloody drama of Waterloo opened with the Emperor 's order for a general retreat .
4 However , the hidden beauty of Mauritius lies beneath the water 's surface , concealing a world of vivid colour — coral gardens with exotic marine life and over fifty submerged shipwrecks beckon scuba diving enthusiasts , and deep sea fishing is among the best in the world .
5 He was suddenly tired and the beer was going to his head , making him think of Madra lying in the house they had left , and of the long journey ahead of them through the mountains .
6 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
7 The portrait of Melusina hung above the fireplace and this year 's cat calendar was up on the left-hand wall .
8 Last week the head teachers association of Cambridgeshire wrote to the county council to say that because of critical shortages of books , equipment and facilities and because of oversized classes , it would have serious difficulty providing the national curriculum .
9 Finally , in the treasury of the sanctuary is the Cross of Chiaravalle , a processional cross from the Abbey of Chiaravalle given to the church in 1296 by Ottone Visconti , Archbishop of Milan .
10 It is said that when travelling by boat the Duchess of Windsor sent to the bridge for hourly weather reports to be sure that she was appropriately clad .
11 The realm of Kislev lies to the east of the Empire .
12 But the principal of Somerville stands by the college decision .
13 The town of Swindon expanded around the works and they form an integral part of the towns history , Bill Jeffries is Ken Ryders works manager .
14 But Herks are not the best for VIP passengers and a handful of Daks remained with the unit until 1969 when the VIP element became independent as 21 Squadron .
15 In 1935 a Mr Cole of Middlesbrough complained to the Sea Fish Commission that they were still having to sell at the pre-war prices of a halfpenny fish and a ha'porth of chips .
16 There has been so much interest in the industrial side , while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
17 There has been so much interest in the industrial side while you just have to go a few miles out of Middlesbrough to get to the coast or the middle of the moors . ’
18 But when the King of Toledo heard of the hurt which he had received at the hands of the Cid , he sent to King Don Alfonso to complain thereof , and the King was greatly troubled .
19 Humphrey Bohun Earl of Hereford died at the age of thirty in 1373 leaving , like Lancaster , two coheiresses , though both were under age when their father died .
20 Has your view of Harlow changed over the years ?
21 Our Lady of Lourdes looked at the doorway opposite her in a gesture of supplication .
22 He then spent a brief spell on the staff at the Gaczyna spy school before being sent to Angola in 1974 as a senior military adviser ; three years later he took over as commandant of the notorious Balashikha , a centre on the outskirts of Moscow used for the training of international terrorists .
23 I think this had been the former jockey 's house , for the Kirkwoods of Woodbrook survived into the middle of the twentieth century by breeding racehorses .
24 The strength of Germany derives from the skills of people in industry .
25 Just as significant as the legacy of the Third Reich was the division of Germany brought by the occupation .
26 It is estimated that about a third of the population of Germany perished in the struggle .
27 She walked into the make-up room , then stopped in her tracks at the sight of Marianne sitting in the chair before the mirror .
28 The port of Ventspils lay at the end of a pipeline which brought Siberian oil for export , providing one-third of Soviet hard-currency income .
29 The economic history of Byzantium has in the past been examined too much in isolation from the general course of medieval economic history .
30 The British attitude had long been clear : the 1951 Conservative government had continued to follow the line laid down by the previous Labour foreign minister , Ernest Bevin , who said in the House of Commons in November 1950 that Britain preferred an expansion of the Treaty of Brussels to serve as the basis of military cooperation within NATO , but would not object to the EDC were it to be established .
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