Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The new manufacturing towns were growing around collections of villages in the north of England far removed from the privileges of the chartered municipal corporations .
2 The US Federal Reserve , the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England all stepped into the markets to defend the pound .
3 but Vietnam joined Laos to torpedo Malaysia 's attempts to have the conference renew the endorsement of ZOPFAN previously made at the Algiers Summit Conference .
4 The Anglo-Dutch fleet pursued the beaten French as they withdrew and the Battle of Barfleur now merged with the Battle of La Hogue [ or La Hougue ] by which name both are sometimes known .
5 She was beyond coping with it ; she had no intention of living there ; she had moved , instead , to an early eighteenth-century townhouse in the Faubourg Saint-Germain , a quarter of Paris still preferred by the pre-Napoleonic French aristocracy .
6 In 1988 , offered the honour of taking part in the Lord Mayor of London 's Show and carrying the Burgh Standard , the town of Langholm proudly declined on the grounds that the cherished flag was never displayed other than on Common Riding Day and never left the town , and that ‘ It would be demeaning for the Principals to take part in a ‘ fancy dress ’ parade' .
7 The bath qol was an inferior substitute for the Word of God formerly given by the Spirit to a prophet .
8 The all important hip-consciousness of Manchester wholeheartedly jerked to the harsh snap of the Linn Drum .
9 Blinking politely at the assembled masses hanging on his every syllable , the poodle-headed astronomer and Friend Of Freddie swiftly got to the point of his keynote address to the CMJ Music Marathon .
10 The implicit linking of the two issues represented the most serious attack on the patriotism of Clinton yet mounted by the President , and was denounced by the Clinton team as " a pathetic ploy by a desperate politician " .
11 The population of London nearly trebled between the mid-sixteenth and mid-seventeenth centuries and , suddenly , the city people wanted meat .
12 ‘ I was courteously received at the Guildhall , but found , to my chagrin , my lord of Gloucester already ensconced in the chair of state .
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