Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [prep] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the same laboratory , Dr Clayton Williams and colleagues have developed a type of AFM for measuring the distribution of atoms of a ‘ dopant ’ in semiconductors .
2 So , you know , tears went out to her , but I 'd also like to thank everybody at Audi who helped me , and also his Grace , the Duke of Marlborough for letting the event take place .
3 Officers of merchant ships were particularly vulnerable if they did not have in their possession a written protection from impressment issued by the Admiralty , and David Scott was enabled to oblige both Provost Watt of Forfar and several influential merchants of Dundee by securing the freedom of Peter Brown , the mate of the ship John and Nancy of Dundee , though in this case the Dundee magistrates had to provide an able seaman as a replacement for Brown before he was freed from the pressing tender .
4 He has been able to formulate a general model which encompasses existing models and enables tests to be made of the robustness of the results reported in The Population History of England by varying the projection parameters .
5 He had come to Salzburg from his parental home in Augsburg in 1737 to study at the University with the intention of becoming a priest , but his love of music had led him instead to take up an appointment initially with the Canon of Salzburg before joining the Archbishop 's household .
6 Surely we should follow the example of Jesus in confronting the woman taken in adultery , who was about to be stoned .
7 I poured a single measure of vodka into the half-pint of Guinness without disturbing the head , and handed it to Sally , leaning over so I could get close to her ear .
8 Make the most of Austria by taking the walking tour followed by a week in any of our Austrian resorts .
9 Osborne , who is Professor of Music at Edinburgh University , conceived this imaginative and daring project ‘ to draw attention to the courage of musicians and the artistic community of Sarajevo by offering the solidarity and support of musicians throughout the world ’ .
10 On 20 February , the Secretary of State for Energy , John Wakeham , downplayed the role of FGD in meeting the sulphur reductions , telling the House of Commons that FGD was ‘ an important means ’ of cutting SO&sub2 ; but ‘ there were other means too ’ .
11 Part of the inflationary gap was closed by the success of Bevin in getting the trade unions to follow a voluntary pay policy .
12 The text referred to the power of God in shaking the earth ‘ out of her place . ’
13 Two armed men held a gun to his head and made him drive the bomb to the heart of Westminster after hiring the cab at his office .
14 The temporary success of Greenpeace in preventing the dumping of noxious wastes in the North Sea by actually boarding the dumping vessel is an object lesson to those still locked in the non-violent action syndrome , like those in the campaign to close US bases in Australia and the anti-uranium movement .
15 Criticism of Cossiga for heading the movement for constitutional reform in favour of an executive presidency had come not just from the opposition Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS-formerly the Communist Party ) but also from within the Christian Democratic ( DC ) party , notably from former Interior Minister Oscar Luigi Scalfaro , and from Ettore Gallo , who had retired as President of the Constitutional Court in July .
16 Since there is no appeal against the opinion of the Commission , these findings do appear to exhaust the scope of this particular policy-changing strategy for the time being , though given the interest shown by the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in extending the right of conscientious objection , a change in the provisions of the Convention itself can not be entirely ruled out .
17 The specific role of bishops which is to be exercised in communion with the see of Peter in ensuring the unity and continuity of the faith is vital if we are to hand on the faith of Peter , Gregory and Augustine .
18 In his life of Richard III Thomas More noted how The Duke of Buckingham in offering the crown to Richard in 1484 at Baynard 's Castle assumed a role in a staged presentation in which Richard feigned reluctance in accepting the offer of kingship .
19 This area , named Albert Basin , allowed vessels to clear the effects of the current in the Water of Leith before entering the lock .
20 The Frenzel and Laxolt bill proposed to reduce the power of PACs by increasing the role of political parties .
21 The best way to avoid this problem is to embark on a low-carbohydrate diet to reduce the numbers of Candida before starting the drug — if you have followed Steps 1–4 described above , then you should not experience this problem .
22 The stated objective of the City of Pittsburgh in launching the North Side Revitalisation Program was :
23 To wind up the proceedings Commandant Vonla McBride , a member of the RNLI 's Committee of Management , proposed a vote of thanks to his Royal Highness The Duke of Kent for attending the meeting and for presenting the awards .
24 In exactly the same way as it is essential to deconstruct the rhetoric of Hansard by examining the context which structures Parliamentary debate , what we want to do here is to reveal this grounding of other contributions to this volume .
25 Congratulations to Friends of Allonby for winning the youth championship and to St Albans for achieving League and Cup doubles in both open and ladies ' classes .
26 SLF are also in danger of being banged up in the Tower Of London for incurring the wrath of Her Majesty 's Government .
27 The research aims to assess the accuracy of OEDIPUS by comparing the accuracy of its predictions for fuel use , flight times and payloads with the values observed in practice .
28 It then continued north including a photographic run past just north of Bewdley before traversing the loop at Highley .
29 His criticism of Lévy-Bruhl for overstressing the distance between the savage and the modern mind shows that for Eliot the two were linked , but Lévy-Bruhl 's stress on the different , apparently unreasonable nature of the savage leads to the modern Sweeney whose world is far removed from the sweet reason of Emerson .
30 Overall he used the phrase in nine letters between 1101 and 1106 , always in relation to papal policy : they were written to the pope and cardinals , to Hugh of Lyons , to the count of Flanders , to the king of Jerusalem , to Henry I , and to the prior of Canterbury in describing the condition on which the pope had agreed to give absolution to the count of Meulan .
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