Example sentences of "of [noun sg] for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The study also suggests that priority ought to be given to research which synthesises available evidence and arguments about key aspects of welfare policy , including the unit of assessment for the purposes of tax and social security , personal freedom and preventive health measures and the social responsibility for dependants .
2 However , the wine must have been amphetamine-free , because the resulting doldrums never arrived , and I remained in a state of euphoria for the whole of the afternoon .
3 In fact , what was particularly surprising was the extent of support for the principle of examining in some arts departments .
4 Dr Anne Dew , who is organising the vigil at Dryburn hospital , Durham , said : ‘ There has been quite a bit of support for the vigil from staff in all areas of work at the hospital .
5 Edward began by attempting to exclude Stratford from the assembly , but failed in the face of support for the archbishop from the Earl of Arundel , Earl Warenne , and other lay magnates who shared their suspicion of those round the king .
6 One of the problems with the MacSharry proposals is that , instead of bringing agriculture closer to the market , they will perpetuate existing excessive levels of support for the majority of farmers .
7 A second source of support for the idea of a generation gap in the DUP is found in the statements of embittered defectors or expellees .
8 Included in this overview have been the campaigns against the Thorsen film and James Kirkup 's poem in Gay News , where blasphemy was the central explicit issue ; Mrs Whitehouse 's criticism of television , in particular the BBC 's supposed bias toward ‘ South Bank ’ theology , and Till Death Us Do Part 's irreverence towards Christianity ; the perceived lack of support for the NVALA from Church leaders .
9 His spokesman Mr Zlobin said Mr Khasbulatov was receiving numerous telegrams of support for the results of the Congress session .
10 Each time , the Spaniards harped on the need to resolve their economic difficulties as the only obstacle to backing verbal expressions of support for the Axis with military action .
11 But by then , the show-down had come from one of support for the clergyman to one of outright resistance to the regime .
12 This qualification of support for the replacement of Friern and Claybury meant that it fell back upon regional officers , once again , to decide whether to go ahead with the initiative , or to abandon it .
13 The genuine popularity of the Prince , his self-evident concern and compassion , and events like his fortieth birthday party ( held in a Birmingham tram shed ) are drawing on new sources of support for the institution of monarchy beyond the recesses of middle-class dreaming .
14 Preparations were being made in June to establish a youth organization for the Greens , intended to counteract the erosion of support for the party among the younger voters .
15 The collapse of the Husayn-Arafat accord led to a new phase of cooperation between Israel , the United States and Jordan aimed at objectives similar to those of the early seventies : the erosion of support for the PLO in the territories , the reinforcement of the normality of occupation by a programme to improve ‘ the quality of life ’ , a term coined in this context by US Secretary of State George Schultz .
16 This grant was unprecedented in extent ; it represented a significant political victory for Edward , and suggests that at this stage there was a considerable degree of support for the war amongst the knights .
17 By broadening the bases of support for the regime among the relatively privileged classes , constitutional reform might in fact make radical change harder to achieve .
18 A decade of change for the Princess of Wales
19 There 's a crate of champagne for the reader with the worst tale to tell .
20 Overnight a highly suspect communist renegade was transformed into an eternally youthful dissident communist , a beacon of hope for a generation of young men and women rebelling against the anarchronistic irrelevance of an outmoded educational system and the serial alienation of a post-industrial society .
21 Doctors say there is now a glimmer of hope for the survival of the twelve-year-old Warrington bomb victim , Timothy Parry .
22 You would have thought there might be a problem of some sort : just a small failure perhaps ; something which would suggest that all was not well within the house of the world champions ; something which would give the rest a smidgeon of hope for the remainder of the season .
23 In his report on the seminar , François Bouneau of the French Protestant Radio Service called for ‘ a critical celebration that could open avenues of hope for the people of Latin America as well as helping us to reconsider our relationship with Third World nations . ’
24 The average duration of admission for a patient with anorexia nervosa at a specialist unit in Sydney is 62 days ( unpublished data ) , in the UK 96 days , and in New Zealand 64 days .
25 A day of prayer for the spread of the Gospel and for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood .
26 Time of prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit .
27 A final taste of freedom for the hero of The Life of Charles Peace ( 1905 )
28 Fair-haired , but perhaps somewhat slight of build for the rigours of the lower reaches of the Football League , Bernard was certainly a fast and cagey winger , and his talent was recognised when he was selected for the 3rd Division South representative side against the 3rd Division North , in the fifth and final match between them at Selhurst Park on 30 October 1957 .
29 ‘ I would urge the RUC to take every appropriate step to ensure the maximum degree of protection for every citizen of Belfast , ’ the south Belfast councillor added .
30 Perhaps some consideration might be additionally given to the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the interiors of unlisted buildings within conservation areas … ’
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