Example sentences of "of [noun sg] that [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During night missions inside Iraq , the laser shines from the belly of the bomber , and is kept on target by the pilot or the weapons officer , with the help of electronics that compensate for the aircraft 's movements .
2 It is the imperatives of a coherent demand for representation together with common points of struggle that lead to the notion of a somehow definable gay audience .
3 Conceptualizations of police work are therefore derived from and embedded in such phenomena as the day-to-day experience of police duties , which is itself contextually related to the sorts of crime that occur in the area in which the station is located , common-sense notions about policing contained in the occupational culture , and stereotypes of policing found in the wider culture .
4 These new men have made me see form , have made me more conscious of the sky where it juts down between houses , of the bright patterns of sunlight which the bath water throws up on the ceiling , of the great ‘ Vs ’ of light that dart through the chinks over the curtain rings , all these are new chords , new keys of design .
5 No one noticed the dark stain of blood that spread from the tip of a razor sharp stiletto knife in his coat pocket .
6 Its feathers are ruffled , as those of a genuinely sick bird would be , and this ruffling often exposes bright patches of plumage that add to the conspicuousness of the display .
7 Elicitation procedures rely upon present perceptions and judgments as a starting point and encourage the kinds of reconsideration that lead to a wider realization of experience .
8 Experts did not , and still do not , agree on the levels of lead that get into the bloodstream specifically by this route .
9 The aggressive , destructive behaviour that is often seen in hyperkinetics usually develops later than the other symptoms , and may be largely a response to feelings of frustration that stem from the other symptoms .
10 All the stages that Weiser finds of ‘ advance in personal knowledge ’ , a ‘ basic transition ’ here , a ‘ discovery ’ there , one which ‘ begins to dissolve ’ the speaker 's ‘ coherent identity ’ ( a development which the sceptic may see as a rationale for the failure of an analytical method ) — stages of awareness that lead to a final collapse : all this seems to me fictitious , revealing the critic 's categories rather than the poet 's .
11 General relativity predicts that heavy objects that are moving will cause the emission of gravitational waves , ripples in the curvature of space that travel at the speed of light .
12 The stability of the enterprise conditions of calculation that develop in the East Asian example has not been productive of the formation of high-risk entrepreneurial behaviour as firms launch into speculative and unrelated lines of business .
13 actors ( including Chaplin ) , cricketers and cricket-writers provide snippets of humour that mix into a rolling chuckle .
14 The campaign to save a local arts centre starts innocently enough , but soon becomes the target for intimidation , and Jane finds herself in increasing danger as she uncovers layers of corruption that spread from an Oxford college to the Houses of Parliament .
15 Finally , it is the oppressive continuities of history that reverberate in the novel .
16 By proposing discourse as the object of analysis , Barthes shows that language , when it is used in certain ways ( in this instance a story ) , has levels of structure that operate beyond the level of structural linguistics or even semiology .
17 16.17 At level 3 there are statements of attainment that refer to the ability to read silently with sustained concentration , and to listen attentively to stories read aloud .
18 Others need precise daily rations of sunlight that change with the seasons if they are to start flowering at a particular time .
19 They 're just annoying strips of nylon that flap in the breeze .
20 They follow the lines of power that run through the Inner Sea to their destination .
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