Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 List of Standard Instruments of Assessment Used in New Sciences Modules
2 The Alliance is seriously handicapped by the electoral system and it can not afford any further drain of support caused by separate policies : it is imperative that policy shall be decided at a single gathering .
3 The amount of support obtained from statutory services depends on the elderly person 's degree of disability but also on the type of household in which he or she lives .
4 The day nurseries opened during both wars were rapidly closed when the conflicts ended , and as Deborah Thom and Penelope Summerfield have convincingly argued , the amount of support offered to working mothers during both wars has been much exaggerated .
5 He reminded everyone that good often comes out of change dictated by environmental considerations , for example his own company became involved in titanium dioxide extraction when looking for an alternative to white lead .
6 In other words the issue is whether there has been a gradual process of change based on clear continuities with the past or an accumulation of changes in a relatively short space of time which has fundamentally altered the structures of the UK state .
7 She repainted the figures in the foreground , each button and strand of hair etched with photographic precision .
8 There is a widespread belief among claimants in my constituency — about one third are in receipt directly or indirectly of social security income — that claim applications encouraged by what are known as take-up campaigns are subjected to a form of discrimination compared with other applications that go across the desk in the normal way .
9 He fears that groups of workers might become the subject of discrimination based on inherited traits .
10 A mighty war host was assembled to protect the Elf homeland and not a moment too soon , for the armies of Chaos returned with redoubled strength .
11 More direct indications of function come with small groups of vessels having three solid or horizontally pierced lugs for suspension by a cord or thong ; these were designed primarily as household utensils .
12 Management thus had to respond to the rising expectations and social aspirations of a higher paid and better educated workforce , and felt obliged also to reduce the rising costs of apathy induced by meaningless work .
13 New educational policies take their justification from the experiences of racism suffered by black citizens .
14 They knew that palladium soaks up deuterium ( a form of hydrogen found in heavy water ) like a sponge soaks up water , an electrical current from a battery forcing the deuterium atoms out from a solution of heavy water and into the spaces between the palladium atoms .
15 Consequently such apparently irrational attribution of responsibility exhibited by criminal law strengthens rather than weakens the claim that criminal law may be understood as positive morality .
16 However , because it groups entries alphabtically according to the areas of responsibility given to particular topic editors , it can be slightly confusing .
17 Sizzling shades of terracotta teamed with cool blue make a simple but eye-catching statement on crisp white walls .
18 There are two forms of inequality related to occupational pensions which also serve to disadvantage very elderly women , especially widows .
19 OF THE many mixtures of spice used in Indian cookery , this is the most generally useful .
20 Moreover , after Minister of Defence Jean-Pierre Chevènement had convened a round table meeting and promised to upgrade conditions , the expression of discontent spread to other branches of the armed forces .
21 Perhaps the greatest amount of damage done to deaf centres in a short span of time occurred in the Baedeker Raids of May 1942 in South-West England .
22 The extreme nature of the damage seen in the diurnal raptors is matched to a considerable degree in some of the owls , and both approach the degree of damage done by mammalian carnivores ( Fig. 3.4 ) , which have the added advantage of crushing teeth by which they break up their prey before ingestion ( Andrews & Evans , 1983 ) .
23 Reports continued about the scale of damage inflicted by allied bombing , and the resulting danger of epidemics .
24 The tell-tale signs of erosion here inside the cylinder head , plus obvious coking up all evidence of damage caused by unleaded petrol , used by unsuitable cars .
25 For Youth Allyah , Zionism came before all , an article of faith expressed with terrifying force by David Ben-Gurion , Jewish leader in Palestine when the flow of refugee children was at its height .
26 PLAYER : ( Lost ) There we were — demented children mincing about in clothes that no one ever wore , speaking as no man ever spoke , swearing love in wigs and rhymed couplets , killing each other with wooden swords , hollow protestations of faith hurled after empty promises of vengeance — and every gesture , every pose , vanishing into the thin unpopulated air .
27 The background of liberal philosophy shapes the opposing interpretations of the modern law of contract presented in recent books and articles .
28 Indigenous working-class cultures of racism have thus been internally fragmented by strong sexual and generational divisions , as well as being externally mirrored in the forms of resistance mobilized by immigrant communities against them .
29 As the work of a man who is not only a poet but a Catholic poet , Paradiso is hardly a typical case , but the sheer volume of fiction produced in Spanish America in recent decades — and continues to be produced — scarcely betokens a general collapse of confidence in the written word , and it is noteworthy that Cabrera Infante 's Three Trapped Tigers , for example , re-creates the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Havana even as it casts doubt on the feasibility of such an enterprise .
30 If he had persevered a bit more , he might have found a landlady whose idea of cooking extended beyond steak-and-kidney pudding and spotted Dick .
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