Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [noun sg] at the time " in BNC.

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1 In the CONSENSUS II ( cooperative north Scandinavian enalapril survival study II ) an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor was given within 24 hours of myocardial infarction in addition to standard treatment and irrespective of baseline ventricular function ( though patients with clinical evidence of heart failure at the time of entry into the study were excluded ) .
2 The pointed arch was merely the most efficient form of building technology at the time ( in Stamford a pointed arch is sometimes used in medieval cellars to span the sites of earlier quarry pits ) and the undercroft at no. 13 St. Mary 's Hill was not a crypt for St. Mary 's Church , but a shop with steps giving access to the street .
3 The research was carried out for a doctoral dissertation on the princely sum of £410 per annum ( this was the ‘ married woman 's ’ rate of postgraduate grant at the time , £120 lower than the full grant ) .
4 For the years 1984–6 , the statistical authorities have published ( Indeks , 1987 , nos. 3 and 9 ) the values of exports and imports both according to the traditional method and in terms of current dinars , i.e. at the rates of exchange ruling at the time of the export or import of the goods .
5 It was constructed by Telford ( q.v. ) in 1796 to carry the Shrewsbury Canal over the River Tern , and was very much a piece of engineering experiment at the time , to be carried to glorious triumph in the simultaneous building of the great aqueduct at Pont Cysyllte ( q.v . ) .
6 This involved combining the current running costs of the plant with the cost of capital investment at the time it took place , many years before .
7 In discussing the stages in the manufacture of the Kentish disc brooches considerable detail was omitted because of uncertainties regarding the actual methods of jewellery manufacture at the time .
8 The main method of alkali manufacture at the time was that of Nicolas Leblanc , which had the defect of pouring into the air large quantities of hydrogen chloride gas , a pollutant of extreme severity .
9 Provided one remembered that a poll was simply a snapshot of voting intention at the time it was taken and that national polls should have a sample of at least 1,000 , one would not go far wrong .
10 These are matters on which there is a wide legislative choice the exercise of which is likely to be influenced by the political complexion of the government and the state of public opinion at the time amending legislation is under consideration .
11 The role of control is to make decisions on certain aspects of system behaviour at the time when the relevant information becomes available .
12 None had clinical or biochemical evidence of disease activity at the time of study ( Best activity index <150 and serum C reactive protein <10 mg/l ) .
13 Why then , if the government dealt with the problem of peasant justice at the time of the emancipation , did it reconstruct the empire 's legal system in 1864 ?
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